Originally published at: Iraqi government turns off electronic billboards after they were hacked to show porn | Boing Boing
We could use our imaginations, I suppose, but if people had imaginations then we wouldn’t need porn.
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Pfff…kids these days and their electronic billboards and their hacking. Back in my day you had to work to come up with a sufficiently ribald anagram of the letters available. And then rearrange the letters yourself.
(Pro tip: work calmly and deliberately, act like you’re just doing your job, and walk away at a normal pace.)
With that display technology the porn was probably a picture of the Mooninites giving the finger.
I was imagining the p0rn was on one of these:
and was trying to imagine how well that’d work*, but I realized it was likely a full-color video billboard. Which makes more sense.
*Though I have a pretty fair idea, thinking back to those computer conventions I went to in the '80s where vendors were selling dot-matrix-printed centerfolds (that might also have been ascii art).
And this is different from Florida, how?
We haven’t liberated Florida…. Yet.
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