Somewhere there’s a museum intern who still can’t sleep because they opened something they shouldn’t have…
So can all the fuckheads who were blowing off my righteous concerns back then with glib attitudes like “What are you so afraid of?” or “What’s the worst that could happen?”
I think it was
and it WAS cancelled
What was that dumb one where all the electricity turned off?
Honestly, 2016 was a shitfest for me (trying to finish up my dissertation, dealing with 3 deaths in my family)… but this year is far worse over all for humanity.
Also, @ficuswhisperer…
It was dumb but relentlessly committed.
It was like the anti–Walking Dead. All possible apocalypses at once, except not zombies, and so much shit happened in each episode. One episode of Aftermath was like a whole season of TWD.
No that was Revolution; (dig the irony of the name now.)
I love Giancarlo Esposito, but even he wasn’t enough to salvage that crap…
I assume on that show he took the Michael Caine approach;
“No, I haven’t seen Jaws 4, but I have seen the house it bought and it is lovely.”
It was right after Breaking Bad had concluded; I dunno if a paycheck was the motivation. Maybe he lost a bet?
I bet he’s glad he didn’t go double-or-nothing.
It probably looked good on paper.
I doubt they pitched it to him like, It’s a post-apocalyptic dystopia show, and by the way it will suck.
Hey people, I missed a transport 8 years ago so they had to send a replacement.
Now I’m finally here; see you on December 21.
Yours faithfully, 2012.
It’s not that hard to figure out. “States cancel presidential election and Donald Trump is unanimously declared the winner by the electoral college.”
Back in January I was really excited for 2020. I had an interview for a great new job, personal life seemed to be improving. It was going to be 11 months of pink, fluffy unicorns until we kicked the shit-gibbon out of office. I was so looking forward to it.
Its only 5/12 over, and my playlist is now just “We had to tear this motherfucka up”, “Civil War”, and “Settle for nothing” on loop.
As did 1968.
Over 100,000 people are dead and everything is on fire… I’m not going to lie… this is exactly what I thought the Trump presidency would look like…
we’re not making it to november
trump just ordered the military onto the streets? not sure if he can actually do that and it’s yet another lie like everything else but it’s the thought that counts
Given all the conspericy theory nonsens i have been hearing, tgen backpeddling while stil finger pointing from said thorists i am the problem, at how all the badness isinyerconnected?
It cant happen soon enough.
Im tired of turning the tv on or even looking outside and god what now?
Tiired of feeling like everything is turning to shit.
Stay safe, all of you.
November 3rd will be canceled and we’ll go directly to January 21, 2021.