Is Amy Schumer a serial joke thief? Video compilation compares clips, side by side

[quote=“muddi900, post:39, topic:72876”]
I agree, ideas can’t truly be proprietary, and some of the proof is a stretch. But Amy Schumer did make a lot of money out of the hard work of others. I believe she’s being targeted because of her politics, but I also believe that that is the same reason for so many defensive arguments.
[/quote]I think regardless of if she stole jokes (which, I don’t think she did) or not, you’ve hit the nail on the head there, especially considering that the biggest collection of shoutymen of this little storm in a teacup are Reddit.

Regardless of the source of her jokes, this isn’t a reason - it’s an excuse. Reddit hates female comedians generally - I started listing all the ones they hate, but it’s quicker to just say “Everyone who isn’t Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, as long as we ignore the feminist jokes they make” - and Reddit hates Feminists, which Schumer identifies herself as.

It’s not about stealing jokes - Let’s fucking face it, reddit doesn’t care about Stealing jokes, reddit steals more jokes daily than every hack comic since vaudeville across all of their careers combined - Reddit cares about tearing down and trying to hurt people they don’t like. Reddit cares about patting itself(as a group) on the back for having the “Correct” opinion, and having it justified by evidence, no matter how questionable, and in some cases, entirely made up.

It’s just the same gig that Reddit pulled on Ellen Pao - attacking because someone’s a woman, and has feminist ideals, and justifying it after the fact with some ropey bullshit.


I guess if we can use anything as a personified collective noun, I am almost always shocked by the Internet’s ability to, from a given set, disregard all information that is irrelevant to it’s belief.

Humility is such an underrated virtue.


That would be Opie and Jim now, wouldn’t it?

But yeah - aside from the MadTV sketch which certainly appears to be directly lifted (and again, can’t really pin that one directly on her due to the plethora of writers on her show), the rest are pretty weak.

Carlos Mencia, Dane Cook, and Denis Leary, though? Unrepentant joke thieves. Oh, and Robin Williams (though at least he would pay comedians when he would steal one of their jokes).

There we go, ftfy. Xeni is jumping on the Cory bandwagon - clickbait ftw!

I think the really important question is how does Jenny McCarthy have a radio show?


I freely admit the following has been blatantly plagiarized from Dave Barry’s Greatest Hits, pages 9 and 10.


I think that Mark Meron’s take on this strikes the right balance (See beginning of Michael Moore episode of WTF): this has more to do with sexism, than actual joke theft. Schumer is accused of stealing one of Meron’s jokes, too.

What makes this a bit difficult to say what is joke theft and what isn’t is that similar jokes can be thought up independently by multiple people over time. Especially, i suppose, if they share comedic sensibilities and also jokes aren’t the kind of thing you can just go out and copyright. It’s just frowned upon if it’s obvious lifting.

Can’t really make the argument if she definitely stole some jokes or not. It’s not looking good for her, but she’s definitely a very funny person and have to wonder if some people are just piling on her just because she’s doing well for herself and she’s a controversial comedian.


Like, I’m pretty sure I made up that joke in grade 5. It’s not exactly novel. The delivery is what is going to make it a good joke or not.

Someone else said it above, but to say someone stole a joke it has to be a really unique joke that is particular to them. Jokes don’t spring forth magically from the minds of comedians in hermetically sealed containers. Let’s remember that multiple people independently invented calculus, the telephone and the radio. I think multiple people can observe that the same thing is funny.


In many sub-reddits you will actually get punished for “Self Promotion” if you post something funny that is also your original content.


That’s pretty much the case I’m making - Louie was just a good example, because he’s A)Famous, B)has been accused of stealing jokes, and C)Is still a respected comic, unlike say Mencia or Dustin Diamond.

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Louie CK also deserves some respect for not making a sex tape and selling it, although I have heard rumors of a video of him in a hotel room waving his dick at someone’s father.


[quote=“Random_Tangent, post:20, topic:72876, full:true”]
This is a bunch of Opie and Anthony fans who really hate women more than they love the sanctity of comedy. Or as Marc Maron puts it “[an] army of unfuckable hate nerds.”
[/quote]They are Anthony fans specifically, which is why it’s coming out now that Amy Schumer is taking a strong stance on guns. They are lifting from Jim Norton’s advice show and playing quotes from Tammy Pescatelli and Marc Maron in the video without context.

The Vox article is pretty useless, actually because (as far as I’m aware) this video is the original accusation:

Literally the only video on the channel, but it was posted in the Anthony Cumia reddit and O&A reddit before TMZ picked it up. The comments of the TMZ article also is filled with O&A jokes. It’s why Jim Norton took such a strong stand early and about the Patrice jokes. By the time Tammy Pescatelli went on her insane rants the story was already rolling and an active and terrible subreddit was already on the warpath.

They are literally not only scouring all media on Amy Schumer, but all media from their approved comedian sources (like Joe Rogan and Marc Maron) to parse clips to make more of this shit that keeps spreading.

In the end, this is an event rooted in racism, sexism, and a ridiculous lust for guns.


Not to be argumentative but I couldn’t find David Cross making these claims online. I see a few fans have said this, but I really believe that Cross himself would weigh in if he suspected this. I mean Cross is the guy who admitted to doing blow in the White House.

Fun Fact: Cross and CK were roommates in Boston.

Am I the only one who found the professional athletes in Trainwreck funnier than Amy Shumer’s character?

Shumer wrote the script, so I am more than willing to give props for that. But as an actress, not so much. Maybe she needs a “Ghostbusters” or “Bridesmaids” type ensemble piece with other comedians.

We need to add a new logical fallacy. The fallacy that post count or lack of post count some how strengthen or weakens an argument.

I guess it is sub-set of Appeal to Authority.


The exact details are not particularly important to the example, to be honest. Like I said already, I’m using him as an example because he’s famous, was accused of stealing jokes, and is still a respected comic. I could have pulled out Seinfeld(Though after his last tightest five on Colbert, I think that’s kicking a man while he’s down. WAY down, like subterranean), or Leary, or Robin Williams, or Jay Mohr, or Conan, or Trevor Noah, or Chris Rock, or Eddie Murphy, I could go on but I think you get the point.

Though, I suppose Cross never accusing Louie of it is a point of comparison - considering that every comic who accused her has recanted on their accusations. Not as good as never saying it, sure - but now we’re at the point where basically no comics are accusing her of joke theft, a number of respected comics are standing up for her. Even Joe Rogan(Well known for his hatred of joke theft) on a recent show with Hannibal Buress(who agreed) stood up and said “yeah, some of these bits are a bit suspicious, I can see why you might think that, but I don’t think she stole jokes, here’s a bunch of examples of this happening, and seeming like it happened when it didn’t.”

In fact, the only people left screaming about it are basically exclusively non-comics, who already hated her and are looking for an excuse. Be it hating her because they don’t like her, to hating her for being a woman doing comedy, or just hate her because it’s a popular opinion, or tall poppy syndrome, whatever, doesn’t matter. The point is that it was never about the jokes, particularly on reddit - It’s just assholes who want their hate justified.

Sorry about the length - been a long night, just getting some thoughts out there.


So really, it’s all about ethics in games journalism comedy.


I’m not saying that. But I’m not not saying that, because something something damned SJW illuminati lizard people stealing my freezy peaches!


So the Amy Schumer mafia got to them all, eh? More crimes for her to answer for.


…and a badge of honor! I’m disappointed I haven’t made the list… :wink: heehee

I don’t believe any offense was meant, you might really have been reading the blog for years, if so just let that comment roll off your back and be glad that you finally joined the community after peeping through the window for years. As a long time observer, you’ll know that this happens when a new users first post is a lambastment, and that all new users claim to be long time lurkers. What separates the wheat from the chaff is if they stick around or not. Personally I urge new users to engage in a positive way a few times before slamming something, you know for some street cred. You can hardly blame people for asking “wait, who is this new guy?” when that kind of post is your first. Anyway, stick around and join in the fun more often! Cheers.