It’s really easy for AI to fake Joe Biden’s voice, regardless of restrictions

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AI may well be as important in the future as the Printing Press or the Industrial Revolution, but we will need to travel through some very dark times to get there. I am not looking forward to the next decade as we wrestle with how to use (or be used by) it.

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A solid year of memes on youtube of Obama, Trump and Biden playing games online pretty much proves this point

I didn’t get the story focusing on the magician and his personal choices, and I don’t get trying to make this into a call to restrict computer code.

A registered presidential candidate from a major party had a campaign manager pay for a fake Biden recording and mass-spammed voters with it. Yet there has been no legal consequences for anyone involved. Maybe the complete lack of either regulations on electioneering or enforcement of the few restrictions on the books might be the bigger problem.


Meanwhile, there is nothing that we could have a deepfake of Donald Trump say that would be more depraved and offensive than what he already says on the regular.

The only use of AI Biden I will accept:

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