Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/02/new-orleans-magician-paid-to-make-fake-joe-biden-robocalls.html
The excuses people make when they’ve let themselves get boiled down to “useful idiot”. Embarrassing.
Why did he think someone was paying him to make that recording? I guess 150$ was enough to shut down any questions.
There have been several previous incidents in NOLA of paying out-of-work actors and entertainers for astroturfed political stunts. I assume this happens nationwide. It is an obvious consequence of the obscenely high wealth inequality and obscenely low regulations on electioneering in the US.
There was no malicious intent.
I guess I’m glad they hired a relatively low level spell caster for the job. Bigby’s Election Interfering Hand seems to have failed to override enough saving throws to succeed that round.
Honestly, I have little time for magicians, even competent ones.
Fuck right off. Fork-wanker.
I could hazard a guess as to why he went after a less popular item from the cutlery draw to get the world record in bending. But mebbe he was just a fan of The Blue Raja.
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