Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/29/its-fun-to-play-with-this-co.html
Like road flares after a Grateful Dead show…
Unbelievable. I don’t know how accurate it is, or what shortcuts were taken, but when I think of how many days it took to simulate much simpler things back in the 1990s on an IBM Unix workstation . . .
That is pretty amazing, this one is very similar and have had it bookmarked for years, it feels like a earlier version of the one you posted on this article.
Fantastic! I just printed out 6 new Phish T-shirts for my website.
I think of how many days it took to simulate much simpler things back in the 1990s on an IBM Unix workstation
That said, there does tend to be a few differences between graphics-oriented fluid dynamics simulations and simulations that actually have to obey physical laws to high order precision. Conservation of mass and momentum is a good start, but the GPU Gems treatment of the Navier Stokes equations is … breezy …
The results are really pretty, but based on the references you might find the approximations to the physics to be first order.
That’s listed as a reference on the github page. Also this one: http://www.csc.kth.se/~mathar/fluids-2d/
I agree; I wouldn’t want to ride on a plane tested with a video game.
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