Online simulation of a ripple tank

Originally published at:


Oddly enough, this does not appear to already exist in Xscreensaver.

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Expected nipple tank, am disappoint.


That is pretty damned cool, although I’m still fairly partial to the WebGL Fluid Experiment

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aha, Yes! Came here to say the same. That is indeed a beautiful thing - (surprisingly it seems to run really well on my mobile browser, possibly smoother than desktop OS’s).

To be fair, I believe that the OP ripple tank and Fluid Experiment demonstrate different effects though. Continuously-driven-at-frequency radiation patterns vs. particle-interaction-in-fluid-suspension-with-inertia or some such.

Dammit BoingBoing, you’d better not crash Paul Falstad’s servers… I’ve been using those applets to teach physics for 15 years and if they ever go away I am SCREWED.

(That baby on the homepage is probably in college by now.)

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