It's not all bad

Okay, so I finally remembered to come post my story about it.

Like to hear it? Here it go:

So as shit happens sometimes, I got laid off last year 10 days before Xmas.

Not great timing, but also not as fucked up as it could have been.

Anyhoos, the point is that after the new year, I was back on the grind looking for a job.

Now as some of you may recall, I’m without a vehicle and I use public transit to get around.

So one day I have a job interview scheduled, and I do all my due diligence. I have everything prepared, but the bus I’m riding on goes out of service while we are en route, causing me to jump off and start running in order to make my connecting bus… which I just miss, right before it turns into the freeway tunnel that I need to go through to get to my interview.

And just fyi, the driver totally saw me trying to flag him down and the fucker just kept going.

Now I’m about to be late to a interview for a new job, and it’s not my fault, but I still have to make my best effort to get there are as soon as I can…

So I start walking. Right through the tunnel, along the walkway reserved for maintenance.

I call the place where I’m interviewing and explain that I’m going to be tardy and that it was beyond my control.

And then I keep walking, with cars and trucks roaring at ‘ludicrous speed’ past me; scared as shit, but determined to get to my damn interview.

So once I finally get to the end of the tunnel, guess what happens?

A cop car pulls up.

Of course various people had called the police about a “crazy woman walking through the tunnel, talking to herself and crying.

(I was irritated and sweaty as fuck, but I never shed a single tear… but assholes will see what they want to see.)

As soon as I saw the officer pull over, I explained my desperate situation, hoping the whole time that she wasn’t going to make me even later while writing me a ticket.

And the funniest thing happened. The petite blonde woman in uniform smiled at me sympathetically, and offered me a ride for the last leg of my journey which I gratefully accepted… and she even let me out slightly away from the main entrance, so that my prospective new employers wouldn’t see me arriving in the back of a squad car.

(What an impression that would have made!)

And the ‘happy ending’ to this tale is that not only was the situation not escalated, and I walked away from the encounter without a single scratch on my body OR my dignity… but I also got the job.

Sometimes, truth is stranger (and better) than fiction.