In upper Midwest we just called it beanbag toss - never heard of cornholing outside of schoolboy giggle fodder.
So rain is like trickle down economics?
There’s an awful lot of cognitive dissonance in the Bible.
On the one hand there’s Solomon exacting forced labour and building huge artefacts to reinforce his own power and prestige while taxing his citizens to the limit - and finding favour with the Lord - and on the other there’s the prophets telling anybody who would listen that all God wanted was for people to look after widows and orphans and be helpful members of society. Job is rewarded for being treated like dirt by being made stinking rich again, Ekklesiastes says that all that kind of stuff is pointless. I am sure Ayn Rand could be made to fit right in with St. Paul (who one of our lecturers simply used to refer to as the NLM - nasty little man.)
Of course, if you reduce the Bible to the Gospels, it’s much more difficult to use it to support rampant sociopathy. If Saul of Tarsus hadn’t hijacked the whole message - like a televangelist in fact, right down to his constant demands for people to do what he says and give him money - Jesus would just have been another Jewish prophet, respected but ignored by most people.
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