Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/06/james-dean-dead-for-65-years.html
on the face of it, it seems ridiculous. but when you really think about it, it’s also ridiculous.
I’d find this trend disturbing.
If they’re trying to prove that whatever movie-star magic the human Dean had can’t yet be reproduced digitally, they’ll likely succeed.
I can see the SAG getting pissy about this one. The Hollywood equivalent of replacing a customer service person with an automated answering system.
They searched high and low for the perfect actor and decided on basically a non-existent person. Ok then…
Sounds like PR bullshit to drum up interest for a movie that likely wouldn’t do well without the gimmick. I’m pretty sure they can find a capable actor for the part.
Can’t they just digitally de-age his corpse?
Current picture of James Dean
65 years is long enough the smell won’t be an issue, but I don’t know how they’ll keep him from falling apart during action scenes.
Rebel without a pulse?
Well there’s your problem: you should have been searching for actors. Who are alive. There are plenty.
We do not intend to let his fans down.
Um, OK…
Hmmm - but it’s not a zombie movie. Is it?
This only works if they’re portraying his corpse as it would have looked then.
If they aren’t moving his skeleton like a string puppet then it doesn’t count.
I won’t be happy 'til they bring back Barney.