Japan TV show pranks unsuspecting people with elevator problem

I suspect that the unsuspecting victims suspected.

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The dangerous lip around the edge is what takes this from being a special gag to an extra special one.

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Honestly, I was really hoping someone would tell me that. I was just too lazy to go and look for it.

Thank you! :grinning::+1:


Meh, Brazil did a better one.

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The Intelevator FTW! It’s nice. Nobody thinks they’re going to die. It’s a lovely prank.



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I’m not sure this comparison is apt, but by my (admittedly limited) understanding, having Japanese people unwittingly display strong negative emotions on camera is tantamount to catching unwitting Westerners naked on camera: cruel and invasive.

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Actually they land on a slide covered with lube. Nasty.



Of course, that only works in Norway…


But what does the fox say?


All such stunts are set up with some degree of forewarning to the participants. Exactly how much they knew is unclear, but in this case they were definitely told to avoid short loose skirts, and to stand right in the middle of the elevator facing the mirror. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they knew exactly what was going to happen - a shocked face is not hard to pull off.

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A DIN specification, no less!


I hope you’re right. If so, I wonder if it’s generally understood by the audience as well, that these are not completely unsuspecting victims? That would give me a slightly less depressing read on the thing.

Depends who you talk to. I’m sure there are people that think they are unsuspecting victims, as that is how all such shows are presented, but if you watch enough of them it quickly becomes obvious that that cannot possibly be the case. “Generally understood” is pretty broad, all I can say is that the few people I have ever talked to understand that these things are generally staged, with only the mildest of pranks ever having “unsuspecting” (but still “at work”) victims.

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I gotta wonder what, if anything, they told these people:

The last gal doesn’t run like she’s gonna die. No way. ha ha


Loving that T-Rex costume!

I don’t know, but I suspect “look really scared and ham it up as much as possible” was part of their brief for the event/day/series.


Those are not unsuspecting people. Those are all TV talents. This is all staged. Nothing is real. This is japanese TV.


staged or not, this is still my favorite! (sorry for the low quality)

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