Jared Kushner loses access to top secret intelligence

And they’re very cross with him.


Fingers crossed!

I’m not even sure he’s all that slippery. He’s been wealthy enough to insulate himself from his misdeeds so far, but he’s playing in a different league, now.

I have a hard time talking about Trump “knowing” or “remembering” anything, or figuring out how much self-delusion is involved, because it’s hard to tell if he has the concept of object permanence. Reality seems to be pretty fluid for him - it is whatever he needs to be at the moment, and whatever is inconvenient from the past gets discarded or altered, at least to some degree. It’s hard to know what part of reality he retains - and is haunted by, causing him to lash out.


Good luck to him in getting a top-secret security clearance. I hope he (and his father-in-law) are both mightily upset at the inconvenience of having to go through channels like everyone else with a top-secret security clearance has to go through, rather than sailing through like a member of a friggin Royal Family.

In Jared Kushner’s photo accompanying the article, he looks like his face is about to melt off, like the the Nazi in Raiders of the Lost Ark

Like 45 won’t share top secret briefing info with Kushner.

Wait. That assumes that 45 actually assimilates briefing info!



I’m reminded of a tale from Hollywood from around the time that Star Wars came out. Some mogul wanted to be briefed on “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” and someone was given the job of summarising the book. After a lot of work, the writer got it down to two sides of a piece of paper and sent it off. The reply was, “Fit it on to one side.”


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer creep.


My mom has higher security clearance than JK. (not kidding, she worked many many years in the Pentagon)


I hear the sorting hat threw up after


Hollywood and Joseph Campbell!! JC was incredibly popular among the Hollywood crowd at the time.


Hollywood seems to treat writing like it is some occult art, and, JC seemed to offer a blue print for writing successful movies. Decades later, they are still turning out films that make no narrative or emotional sense.

Yep. CGI eye-candy overload has become the attractant, displacing good stories, interesting interactions, and dialogue that doesn’t insult ones intelligence. Eye-candy involves the right tools and training, while ripping good stories that stick with you involves talent.

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There seems to be a real issue with producers loosing their nerve too and meddling in films to the detriment of the final product. Suicide Squad can serve as evidence of this.

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Producers can have a large role in raising capital for films. And many films – especially ones that are independent – run on bank loans. And banks only give loans to reasonable, likely prospects. This means that a film promising explosions, speed, and a plot that spans the galaxy has a better chance of being funded than one involving characters sitting around tables and talking to each other; that’s when scripts get bled on and ‘punched up’ by ‘script doctors’.

Re SS, I’m happily unplugged from the zeitgeist, so any mention of it is new to me. I finished googling it just to see what you were talking about; sayonara, zeitgeist!!

I’m betting your mom doesn’t owe Russian oligarchs billions of dollars. That’s the sort of thing that makes it hard to get a clearance.


Not that I am aware of, but back in the day she was nearly the only Navy wife who knew exactly where her husband was.


The consequences of US corruption are felt around the world.


Betting that all types of foreign entities scurry out from under this rock:


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