Jason Alexander on why we must watch the J6 hearings

Beau has advice on how to do this and keep the audience engaged.

This won’t matter for the people still all in on the Big Lie.

But hopefully will wake up the apolitical and apathetic who thinks this is all just “politics as usual” or “both sides playing dirty tricks”.


It can be both. Joseph Welch’s impassioned plea “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” became the beginning of the end for McCarthyism when that hearing was televised.


I am anticipating disruptions by members of Congress not on the committee. Shouts to be heard and accusations of censorship that will have to be dealt with by the Sargeant-at-Arms. That is what will show up on Fox.

I wonder how the committee has prepared to deal with this.

It is the first click-bait congressional hearing of any import and we will see some new solutions or we wont. I am leaning forward.


I admit I won’t be watching it, because this part is political theater and all so much drama for playing up in front of everyone.

What I will be doing, however, is reading the transcripts from it, reading the direct reporting from it, and continuing to email/fax/write/call/fedex/registeredmail/etc my congress critters asking things be DONE as a direct result of this.

I don’t have time in my life to watch people look self important. I DO have time in my life to read the transcripts and demand action.

Taser equipped drones?


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