Jason Van Dyke guilty of 2nd degree murder and aggravated battery in shooting death of black teen Laquan McDonald

Proactive, there’s a nice knock-down argument.


The cops straight-up executed him in the middle of the street. How is that not first-degree murder? Second-degree conviction is better than I expected, but even so.


In this case, 2nd degree would mean the jury believed he feared for his life, but thought that belief was unreasonable. 1st degree would mean they found it unreasonable AND unnecessary, i.e., that he did not actually fear for his life.

Or it was a compromise verdict, and they couldn’t get everyone on board with a possible life sentence.


But not guilty of “official misconduct.” The Union should applaud the jury for acknowledging that murdering this man was “official conduct…”



This case would never have been prosecuted without the tireless work of activists at cold, lonely events like this one in 2015, and the local journalists who kept digging, in courts and on street corners, to get this story into the light of day.

They work day after day to tell these stories, and so often it goes nowhere. But they are organized, and they never quit.


@xeni If it’s helpful, this is a CC-by gallery of some of the activists who worked to win justice for Laquan McDonald at a 2015 protest in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago.



[quote] from Illinois FOP
“This sham trial and shameful verdict is a message to every law enforcement officer in America that it’s not the perpetrator in front of you that you need to worry about…”

This is why its important, you dick headed police.


sad truth there…

cop convicted of killing a poc in america? i knew it was theoretically possible…

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Hopefully a lot fewer.

Try us, you might be surprised.

You first would have to repeal the protectionist laws making anything like needed.

Second, they cities already have some forms of insurance for settlements.

A great interim for Justice, at least until he fights it all the way to the Supreme Court.

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It’d be great if cops had to pay for their own liability insurance here. Maybe out of their pensions. So that the more they fuck up the more pressure their buddies will put on them to shape up or leave the force.


This is, in fact, what will happen. With 2nd degree murder, the max sentence is 6 years, and since he was a cop, he’ll be going to a different prison.

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