Jeb Bush sold patronage and favors to his top political donors

They aren’t the same on everything.

But here they are probably the same.

Which points to the system being the problem. If this is what achieves success, how do we engineer it so that changes?


I think that, when the supreme court overturned the recounts and overturned the popular vote in Florida and in the country as a whole, and since then as they have enabled poll taxes and other barriers, they continue to expose the fact that American elections are hopelessly corrupt.

Don’t blame Nader for Gore’s screw-ups and the court’s corruption.


Change doesn’t happen because some third party candidate gets 1% of the vote. Change happens when a third party candidate takes on a major party candidate in a primary and unseats them, and then goes on to win the general election. That’s just how our electoral system works. I wish it worked the way you fantasize, but voting for a third party candidate in the general election is just pissing in the wind.


Jeb who?

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When Jebby says “MISS-STEPS” by BushCo.#2 is he referring to:
All the Americans that were killed needlessly…
All the American Tax Payers money [trillions] that went missing…
The WMD’s that were never found…
The War Crimes Cheney committed…
Well you get the message.


In China, we’re pretty much done with American politicians telling us how corrupt we are.


Political system working as intended: will not fix.


By the way, I’d be pretty fucking surprised if H Clinton’s complete email trove was any less damning.

Which is why you’ll never see it. And if it still exists, and is released, AP and the rest will not find the time or resources to do this kind of story on it. Old news, more important things to talk about, no one cares, they all do it, we need to stop this gotcha journalism… “Oh, look, a Republican scandal/gaffe/misstep! Thunderbirds are go!”.
Jeb’s naivete in being the only one to be transparent proves he’s not smart enough to be president.

It’s all about small government, until you can land a cushy taxpayer funded position.

In fact, “donating” $25K or so in return for a good job like this may not be such a bad idea. The net payoff over a few years would be excellent.


That’s assuming that he released ALL his email, that none were deleted first. And that he didn’t have another, more private email account.

Nor does it include email sent through an aide’s account, much like certain politicians who recently bragged about having never used email.


Considering the problems that the State Department’s email has been having, it might be a better thing that Clinton did what she has done.

I saw that!


They certainly don’t seen to have sanitized them based on this story. But yes, he could have hidden emails that showed he’s in with Reptoids, and released these damaging emails as a cover so we would THINK he’s just corrupt and not plotting the downfall of humanity.

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Are you asking why, or just wishing? The reason there are only two parties in the US is because of the winner-take-all system of elections. Do you think nobody ever started a third party before? There have been plenty, and they have all lost, and it’s not for want of good ideas.

Every time there’s a third party candidate (at a level higher than, say, the state house) all they manage to do is split the vote of the party they like, and guarantee the election of the party they hate. Every. Single. Time. This is not doctrine, it’s history.

On the other hand, if your vote is so worthless and Both Sides are Exactly the Same, why are certain people willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make it harder for you to vote?


The only American Politician I know of called “Jeb” said, “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.”


“Change must come through the barrel of a gun”, Alabama 3 told me so.

The problem is that at least when I went to business school we learned some laws, accounting, and a few other technical tools; we also learned game theory. Game theory teaches that ethics or goodwill be damned every action has a cost and a payoff, if buying a governor or a senator pays back, it is in a way unethical to the shareholders, including yourself as an executive, to not take this legal action and deprive everyone of profit.


To be fair the US regional, banking, conspiracy, and slavery interests during the civil war runup killed the Whig party in the US, remnants of it quit politics or joined with the smaller anti-Masonic part and merged to form the then liberal Republican party of former Whig Lincoln.
The democratic party north-south split handed the presidency to a liberal Republican and set the stage for the US civil war. It was a weird time with transcendentalists giving lie to the modern historical revisionists who imagine a unbroken history of evangelical protestant Christians in the the same model as the very recent trend. There were Federalists and Democratic-Republicans but they were also from the antebellum times of US history where North America was an unpopulated backwater with far fewer entrenched interests and a much smaller gap, among whites, between the poorest and the most wealthy.


So if Game Theory has taught us anything, it is that being unethical is ethical. :wink:

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It’s a problem the only ethics they teach is “maximize shareholder value.” This was not always the measure of good in business, and it’s the source of many evils.