Jellyfish shot: an admiring cocktail

You don’t have to!

A current Savage Love reader and former bartender sent in this recipe for a shot in honor of Senator Santorum:

1/2 oz dirty ass well vodka
1/2 oz creme de cacao (dark)
A dash of cream
A healthy splash of seltzer water (soda water may work)
Place hand over top of shot glass. Slam on table and voila! A frothy brownish mixture!


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_vomiting: You fiend!!


Its a tribute to jellyfish evolution, that its this easy to make a representation of a jellyfish in fluid like this. They are just that intuitively built! You could never do that with an image of an ostrich or a buffalo or an ant.

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I wonder if any pousse-café tastes good. :thinking:


In the long ago early days of the web there was an ask a bartender column for Wired? Salon? The column on that one was called how to piss off the bartender. It also stated your bartender doesn’t mind too much as that drink is also a guaranteed nasty hangover if you actually drink it.


I think a tequila sunrise is technically a layered drink, and I like those just fine!

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Re: snakes, scorpions

This sort of thing always reminds me of an old Hägar cartoon by Dik Browne:

Hägar explains, in detail, to Lucky Eddie its important to Vikings to eat wild animals. Because you imbibe their strength and fierceness and whatnot that way. And become as strong and fierce and whatnot like them.

Enter Helga with a plate of chicken liver.

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Added to the list just after

Course we will soon all be eating jellyfish

or not.

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I tried the cobra variety once (and only once) in Hanoi. It was like the world’s worst sherry (the cheap kind the vicar gives to parishioners to passive-aggressively suggest they take their complaining elsewhere), but sour as well. The worst part was expecting a firewater that (I’d assumed) would cover the the taste of the snake, and discovering it wasn’t actually that strong on ABV and you could taste the snake. I had to follow with a vodka chaser to sterilise my mouth.


Orange and anise is not a flavor combination I enjoy. Even if it’s pretty.

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Phew, impressed.

Clearly you’re unfamiliar with The Embryo…


I can recall a drink from yesteryear with the cleverest of names but the worst of executions: the ‘tequila mockingbird,’ bringing together tequila [expected,] and creme de menthe [otherwise].

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You are Mr Kirkham, and I claim my £5!

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Aww my first shot

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My favorite Hagar was in one of the comic books. On page one there’s Hagar in a field and two women walk by “That’s Hagar…he is not quick of wit”

Then on page 20 Hagar is in a melee battle and pauses “Huh? What do they mean not quick of wit?”


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