Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/21/pousse-cafe.html
Yep that sums up that drink right there.
It does look gorgeous. I’m sure the combination of liquors wasn’t designed for flavor but for their colors and specific gravity, to make the visual effect.
But just maybe it would be as pretty coming up as it did going down? On an empty stomach of course.
It looks like a box jellyfish (Cubozoa), and I think drinking it might feel as deadly as being stung for a few seconds.
The bottom bracket on human deaths from box jellies is between 20-40 (National Science Foundation) and has be estimated as high as 100 in the link provided. The W.H.O. has alcohol related deaths at around ≈3 million per year (Out of ≈7.7 billion people) about 5% of all deaths worldwide.
Source: Photo modified by me. Original found at Wiki Commons, Box jellyfish at Bakoven Rock, by Peter Southwood, 2005
[Edits: added photo, improved sources, added and removed snarkiness]
But then, think about the intersection of being drunk on a tropical beach and being stung by a box jellyfish.
One leads to the other sometimes.
Note to self: don’t take a selfie with a box jellyfish on my face.
Gorgeous. Would drink.
Can’t be worse than a Cement Mixer.
googles “Cement mixer”.
Good god.
You’re absolutely right.
Both are better than a jersey turnpike
Well, how about some snake wine. With real snake. (The scorpion is reserved for our most special guests)
Jellyfish? I prefer to order a drink less likely to piss off the bartender like an Irish car bomb

googles “Cement mixer”.
Or the Christmas version, the Nagasaki.
Half egg nog, half sake.

Well, how about some snake wine. With real snake
I see your snake wine and raise you a Sourtoe Cocktail.

I prefer to order a drink less likely to puss off the bartender
The “jellyfish” is really bartender pus?
u is next to i, truly i am owned
Truly u am
slowly i transform and shrink until i turn into a shunned poster
Not as iconic as the Santorum Shot
In no possible universe am i gona google that!