Jeremy Renner insists that Black Widow is a slut


Avengers: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


I have no idea what’s going on here. In the Comic mythology, did Black Widow really sleep with 4 of the 6 Avengers?

I read some Daredevil recently and I know she had a sometimes-sexytimes relationship with Matt Murdock.


He hasn’t deleted his twitter account yet either.


I haven’t seen the film yet but out of curiosity does her character actually sleep with four of the six Avengers? Because if my teammate found time to do that in the midst of a world-threatening crisis involving genocidal robots my reaction would be:


I am guessing that this in reference to decades of comic back history, and don’t find it controversial.

I’d probably instead say that she is polyamorous, to avoid possible judgemental connotations. Anyone uptight enough to think several lovers is a bad thing would probably expire from shame at an orgy.



I’m so glad some righteous indignation is being expressed over someone’s opinion of a fictional character.

No, really. This is important.


And yet no name-calling for Tony Stark who actually has a lot of sex in his movies. But sure, slut shame the only female Avenger. Seriously, why did they put this guy on the Marvel payroll?


You’re being snarky, which is laudable. But as fiction is a metaphorical reflection, substitute or representation of reality and all its human vicissitudes and diversity, it will be readily apparent to most viewers that Renner’s reason for finding a fictional character a slut can reasonably be extrapolated to nonfictional women who behave likewise. It is clear, in other words, that he is of the opinion that women who sleep around are sluts.

Therefore, your snark, while perfectly executed—and may I say that I am most impressed by your laconic and unvarnished use of the genre—remains a sad exemplar of the mild, fizzling bathos of anonymous internet commentary.


If I recall, she almost slept with one and there was vague mention of her flirting with another. So yeah, I’m guessing this is as popobawa4u said, and only true if you take into account decades of comics history. Much like how Superman has super-weaving skills and likes to occasionally eat huge piles of hamburgers, or how Batman has an affinity for spanking people and wearing rainbow-colored batsuits.


Is the term “slut” always a pejorative? I’ve never thought there was anything wrong with being a slut, as long as one was being honest and safe.


The characters have all been around so long, they basically swap partners like they did on Friends, but for a few more decades. I know BW has been connected to the Winter Solider recently and Hawkeye before that. But I think it’s pretty clear from context Renner is talking about the film, and he’s just being a dick.


It’s like certain other words, like “queer”–context is important.


Renner did add some context in the interview by saying that he or Conan would be sluts also in the same circumstances. This could be seen to indicate he is a prude - but perhaps not a sexist prude.


Wait wait wait wait.

So he’s saying the actress slept with 4 out of the 6 other actors that make up the Avengers in the movie?

So confused.

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At first I thought that this was just a case of the two guys overstating their sarcasm. They didn’t think she was a slut and crassly overemphasised to imply the opposite. But it really appears that the central issue revolves around the hangup Renner, in particular, has about someone having multiple partners.

The fact that he states that if he slept with a bunch of people he too would have to consider himself a slut is kind of troubling. Maybe he’s a religious type? Maybe RDJ really does consider him a dark force, or whatever he called him on Kimmel.

Unhealthy ideas are unhealthy.

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“I got stuck doing a piece for Vanity Fair” – Tony Stark

He’s as useless as the character he plays in the film.


I’m quite sure you can compile a much longer list than I would bother making, of much worse, more critical, and more urgent problems than the opinions of a man, an actor, a (increasingly, thanks to you’all) famous person.

For example: Spending a lot of energy reporting, rebutting, and getting worked up over the lunatic ranting of Bill O’Reilly - a man whose audience is probably evenly split between 80-year-old Tea Party types and liberal bloggers - is a waste of time, effort, and high blood pressure. Sometimes I think that Bill O’Reilly considers it his job to annoy liberals… It’s best to ignore him.

Likewise for Mr. Renner. Behave as if he doesn’t exist, or doesn’t matter, 'cuz really, he doesn’t. He’s one in a completely interchangeable set of pretty faces, working in a system whose job it is to keep you’all distracted, forking over your cash, and to keep your attention diverted.

Put your efforts, time, money, and energy on causes than can be fixed.