JetBlue attendant doesn't like being stared back by Muslim women, calls police to take them off plane

Similar to Czechoslovakia in 1968 (Prague Spring).

This sentence in the WP article* made me smile

Road signs in towns were removed or painted over—except for those indicating the way to Moscow.

* offline source, no idea if it’s a good one


I will take your bet, and raise you one stabbing-

Muslim girl was staring a Hannover Police Officer. He asks for her ID. While he was looking at her ID, She pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the neck.

Doing her part to make America great again!

If you’re performing your super secret security procedures in plain sight, then it doesn’t really matter if somebody’s filming it.


“staring back” is the tell. I stare back too, when someone stares at me. If she doesn’t like it, she should try not staring at people, or just claw her own eyes out.

Something besides calling the police on someone else for her own fault.

Oh and @Max_Blancke, unless you’re going to round up all of any demographic for the acts of a few, STFU. I mean if you are, GOOD, start with yourself, and sentence yourself first. PROBLEM SOLVED.


Oh good. I wasn’t the only one utterly confused as to the relevance of the Daily Fail link. Utter non-sequitur.


I thought it was pretty clear.

“Fine then, ignore staring Muslims, but you’ll end up getting stabbed in the neck!”

Case closed.


“Dash it all, Biggles, the Jerries have got bally compasses!”


I am not saying I agree with the idea. I just made the mental connection between the two stories. On the German news, one of the police officers stated that the girl attracted their attention because she just kept staring at them.

All calicos are female.


Phenotypically male calicos exist. They all have Klinefelter syndrome though (trisomy 47,XXY)


Unstated ideas you have don’t actually exist until expressed in some manner. What is it you may or may not agree with such that you won’t say?

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I don’t agree with profiling in general. I don’t agree with flight attendants calling the police because they don’t like the look of a particular passenger, because most people flying these days look angry. They probably are angry, because of the treatment that they receive from the TSA and the airlines.

On the other hand, i did find an English language account of the stabbing. From BILD.-

"On Friday two federal police officers wanted to screen a student with
a hijab at the main train station. A spokesman for the police told
BILD: “Her eyes followed the police with a glaring stare. You can see
that on the surveillance video. That was why our colleagues decided to
screen her.”
When the student was spoken to, she first silently handed over her ID to the cops.
Spokesman: “When the officer then turned slightly to his side, to
screen her ID, she stabbed the officer with a knife in her right hand,
with lightning speed. The officer had no chance to defend himself; he
was specifically targeted. And now we know: an Islamist attack on our

So if I’m reading you right, you don’t agree with profiling, but at the same time, you think it’s prudent to keep an eye on Muslims because they are known to be very stabby.


Take a few moments to consider with all the rationality you can muster why trend-spotting / calling in the information age is a harmful practice as you’ve applied it.


for transparency reasons it should be said that Bild is a tabloid very similar to the Daily Mail


I find it hard to believe that Bild could be as bad as the Daily Mail. Does it have hate columnists these days?

Franz Josef Wagner.


In the event of a water landing, you’re screwed because we’ll get you arrested for paying attention to us.

ETA: But only if you’re FWM.