The ones I care most about are from Hilo Hattie’s, one of which I picked out with my late mother. I give way fewer than zero fucks what the [neo]nazis think, it’s the impression I risk giving my fellow humans that concerns me so.
Pair them with a Utilikilt to blow their racist minds!
Those fuckers have latched onto the “skirts for men terrified to wear an actual skirt” skirts, as well.
I know, that’s the joke
I won’t let them have Utilikilts, though. I don’t even have one, but don’t want to let them co-opt any maker imagery. Or the orange knit caps. I have a really warm one that belonged to my grandfather, and I’m not going to let these bigots ruin it for me.
They can have their shitty white polos and khakis.
First they came for the tiki torches, and I said nothing because who can stand the stench of citronella?
then they came for the white polos and khakis, and I said nothing, because I liked seeing them look like box store middle management wannabes.
(Continue ad infinitum to every style we let them co-opt…)
And finally, they came for the bourbon, and I said nothing, because I was naked…
Yup, bourbon will do that.
Who knows what this Supreme Court would have to say about it of course
Western Union and AT&T were subject to regulation 100 years ago and nobody thought that was odd
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