At least the teacher didn’t try to cover it up with white sheet.
If the principal and the nazi loving student are still at JCP in October 2023, perhaps a group of students could dress in suits and go as the Nuremberg Trials.
I’m sure both of those aholes know how that turned out.
I hear you, but if you watch the video (not sure if it’s included in the OP’s post or not, but it’s easy to find on the internet) you’ll see the junior Nazi giving the Nazi salute. NVA officers didn’t do that.
Just for the record, an NVA guard patrolling the Berlin wall isn’t funny at all, as well. At least 140 Mauertote are recorded, possibly the number is even higher. (Numbers are controversial.)
While the Nazis are a meme of evilness, we should not forget that the GDR was also an authoritarian, murderous state.
I’m sure that student knows what happened to the Nazis who remained in East Germany and got away with their crimes. The term Red Fascists didn’t come from nowhere.
Edgelord arseholes are still arseholes regardless of whether they dress up as fascists or M-Ls.
I stand corrected. I got careless thinking being a former border scout for the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment gave me the right to be a know-it-all. Thanks to you and @GagHalfrunt and @FGD135 for correcting me.
At least you weren’t a Danger Donkey (11th ACR)
It wasn’t that hard to keep up with what the relatives were doing.
Nope, we had the Hof Gap, not the Fulda Gap. Our sector had Mödlareuth, which we called “Little Berlin” for the wall dividing the village. It’s now an open air museum that I can recommend, with uniforms of our troops next to those dressed as NVA guards.
We weren’t really interested in the NVA, to be honest. We stuck to the job of keeping an eye out for Red Army equipment getting ready to rumble, though all we ever saw was HIND helicopters. But still, seeing the things the East Germans put uo to keep their citizens in was sobering. Thus my opinion that the costume was in very poor taste.
The only, only exception I would make is if the cosplayer was invoking the famous defector who jumped to the west. His story was a sad one, but the photo is still iconic.
Military uniforms should ideally thwart plausible deniability.
Not to undermine your point (because I totally agree), but actual Punks would punch this nat-c f$c$.
Oh, I know! I was more of a beatnik (long after beatniks were a thing), but I had Punk friends, I was just too much of a bleeding heart to actually be a Punk.
To be fair, the GDR did a far better job at excluding Nazis from important positions, including the military, than the FRG.
Also, I think I have to check when an where and to whom the term Red Fascist was first applied, and of course also who used it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t happen until a time when the actual Nazis were retired, either comfortably or uncomfortably…
But they sure were okay with letting them run rampant when they started to view punks as threat…
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