Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure

Just found an awesome interview posted today between JP and a Vox reporter. Considering the hitpieces Vox has written about JP, this is a refreshing thing to see.

Only in your own head. As others have pointed out,you have failed to convince anyone here of anything. Just because you want to believe something doesn’t mean it’s true. You and your arguments are far less devastating than you propose.

Your reading comprehension is not fantastic, if that’s the conclusion you come to. @navarro isn’t saying he didn’t read the thread. He’s telling you to.

Since you claim to be such an amazing debater, why so ad hominem? And if capitalism is so great and good, how is doing something for the money a “conspiracy theory”? That’s the main goal of capitalism. It’s what you aim to do in a capitalist system. So, why do you have such a problem with people saying he’s doing it for money? Does money sully things? Does it ruin his message for you that you find out he’s making money off it? You’re awfully invested in defending his purity of heart for someone who claims to believe in the superiority of true free-market capitalism.


“Dominating” if you prefer.

No, @navarro quite clearly and unambiguously suggested that you, not he, should review the thread to discover how you had been dominated.

Malapropism? Freudian slip? Why not both?


Jinx. Someone here owes someone a Coke. :grinning:


Malevolent, you can’t convince people with an ideological axe to grind. The refutations I’ve shown are airtight. I can go through numerous examples that are starkly undebatable and the absurd tactics that some of these people have used to get around them. Such as when @tinoesroho calling JP an alt-righter, and after I post a link to itself calling JP a Jewish stooge who has hyper-pro Jewish views, tino claimed the quote is out of context without reading the link. Oh boy.

Your reading comprehension is not fantastic, if that’s the conclusion you come to. @navarro isn’t saying he didn’t read the thread. He’s telling you to.

Shoot. You’re right, I misread that one.

Since you claim to be such an amazing debater, why so ad hominem? And if capitalism is so great and good, how is doing something for the money a “conspiracy theory”? That’s the main goal of capitalism.

I was just reminding everybody of some of the many absurd things that have been said. And as I have said over and over, JP obviously has a monetary interest. A family to feed. Bills to pay. But to claim he is doing it specifically for the money has been refuted above so amazingly. JP releases almost all his content for free, continues working 16 hours a day, has failed to buy a mansion or yacht despite it being so easy for him at this point, etc, etc, etc. Having a monetary interest is not the same as doing something for the money, i.e. being a sellout.


Malapropism? Freudian slip? Why not both?

Sorry bud, you’ll need to expand a little more before I know what you’re talking about.

A BoingBoinger always pays their debts.


Wow, you’ve really got a hard on for him


@Korvexius like my momma always said, “when everyone around you is laughing and you don’t get the joke…”

FWIW there is a not-insignificant number of capitalists and right-libertarians in this community. I’d suggest asking yourself why none of them are really bothering to back you up.


A deficit of blood in the [human] male brain would explain a lot of what’s transpired here.


That would be the subservient brain, right?


Wow. It seems that an increasing number of ‘JP critics’ are starting to recur the same phrase. “Why do you think eveeeeerybody is against you? Cuz you are wrong!”

The answer, if it is not utterly obvious to wait_really, is demonstrable by simply scrolling to before I came onto this thread (i.e. before the 50th response). Some people are incapable of treating JP with the smallest point of honesty. The constant reposting of ridiculous articles like Macleans “JP the stupid mans smart person” and other absurd articles makes this quite stark. Comments like these clearly are by people who simply can’t change their minds under any sort of logical criticism.

There have been few overall arguments here, in fact. There have only been a few recurring ones, in fact. Alt-right, JP doing it for the money, a few basic leftist tropes.




Lol. This one’s for you, Kathy.



Lobsters? Again? Really?
I thought we had thoroughly debunked that already?
And the dominace hierarchies.
Just look at the closest living relatives of humans the bonobos. I mean I get why JBP doesnt… cuz its a bisexual orgy of a society led by women… and we can’t have nasty things like facts messing up our male entitlement fantasies now can we.


“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

I refer you to Rule 10: Be precise in your speech

Has Peterson since modified his position?


It is you who ascribed the status effect confusion to my words. Mayhaps I wasn’t clear in conveying my point, though I made every effort to be precise.

In our previous communication, note that I called it a clever move. And indeed, it is, but I failed to note its lack of unoriginality. The Jehovah Witness, Sciencetologists, and other sorts of cults legitimate religious organizations also provide materials, gratis. And like Peterson’s work, to get at the deeper meaning one must pay in additional funds, and usually, with a large time investment.

Maps of Meaning is totally bullshit, and I’ll leave it to the esteemed Dr Paul Thagard to explain why here: Jordan Peterson's Murky Maps of Meaning | Psychology Today

He gives away Maps of Meaning, which surely represents an even greater time investment by Peterson, so why not this too? It’s simple: Peterson is not an altruist, but a capitalist.

You know what else decreases leaving rates? Adequate funding for students, a welcoming environment, and a safe space to avoid discrimination. Which… ya know, Peterson is against… because social bolshevism cultural Marxism or whatever neologism he’s using this week to push the Nazi-spawned conspiracy theory.



JORDAN’S Wackass published papers be wackass.