Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure


Ha, it’s so funny to hear you speaking at all seriously about any sort of relevant corollary between lobster and human behavior!

The hilarity continues!! :grinning: :grin: :rofl: :joy:


Right after that in the other thread, someone posted the paper, which I ripped to shreds because it does not say what JP claims it says. Click through and you’ll see.

JP’s words:

“If a dominant lobster is badly defeated, its brain basically dissolves. Then it grows a new, subordinate’s brain – one more appropriate to its new, lowly position.” --12 Rules for Life

The study, which you can check this statement against:

This is no “dissolving” or “regrowing” at all. The changes are noted to be in brain chemistry, are noted to be reversible, and the specific physical changes are speculated (not known). The quote from 12 rules is a willful distortion of his referenced material.

ETA: Did you read 12 rules?


No, I was pointing out to @tinoesroho that capitalism couldn’t exist without money (or some other long-term stored value). It was a comment directed at an educated adult, and consequently you need not have taken it as being directed toward yourself.

Why should I have to? Non-capitalists have offered brilliant critiques of various forms of capitalism, as have capitalists themselves.

I suggested you “start reading here”, not “read this one comment and draw all your conclusions from it.” This reading comprehension thing is obviously a real problem for you.


Alt right repressed fanboy homoeroticism is a hell of a drug.

Breitbart, Alex Jones, Cambridge Analytical- all got there fav gays to love.

Chastely, off course.


Peterson, like any good capitalist, knows the trick to finding an audience is to put yourself out there. Like, say Eric Flint, making a first book free online makes great business sense. That his first book is thoroughly incomprehensible helps Jordan - to find the true meaning, they need his newest book (conveniently just 19.99!), they cut themselves out of their family and friends (rule whatever: cut out toxic people), they need to buy his self authoring “kit” (39.99!), get answers for a cool 200 USD in a video call that may or may not devolve into yet another anti-feminist rant like he notoriously did on recording, etc.

It’s all very clever capitalism, plain and simple.

I do believe Jordan is sincere in his delusions. But I also believe he doesn’t engage in good faith when he’s in a public forum. He’s very skilled at using words to imply and impugn and very good at hiding behind his base when he goes too far (enforced monogamy/ actual sexual bolshevism).

To date, you’ve failed to refute the fact that Jordan supports the alt-reich. Richard Spencer - alt-right “founder” - considers Jordan his most effective recruiter.

The effects of serotonin in crayfish is very different than the effects of it in primates, just like how slugs physiology reacts differently to salt than humans. And good Gord almighty, you’ve produced a lot of salt.

Peterson engages in “Scientific” racism. The Bell Curve is thoroughly excrebale tome that has been debunked at length. Yet he promulgated it, just like his buddy Shaipro does. It’s weird that you too would embrace that given your particular background.


Professor Quentin Q. Lobster strongly disapproves.


Look no further than the Mercers for strange bedfellows with the Alt-Right.


Sorry millie, you remain not making any sense to me.

Right after that in the other thread, someone posted the paper, which I ripped to shreds because it does not say what JP claims it says. Click through and you’ll see.

Just read the paper. I didn’t understand too much, obviously neither did you. Here’s the conclusion;

We conclude that social experience can modulate neural circLit function by controlling the effect of a neuromodulator on the response of an identified neuron. Presumably this type of neural plasticity mediates the animal’s social adaptation by producing experience- and context-dependent
changes in the relative excitability of neural circuits. These excitability changes would translate into corresponding changes in the relative frequencies with which different behaviors are expressed. Animals differ in tem-perament both in their groups and individually over time; it is likely that the type of neuronal and neural circuit changes reported here underlie this sort of behavioral plasticity.

So something like the types of neurons and neurocircuits shift when an animal of this sort changes from dominant to submissive in the hierarchy/status. No idea whether or not this is what JP says, seems to be something like it. I’ll see if I can find any biologist to comment on it to be sure. But indeed, I don’t see comments about ‘dissolving’, so this may qualify as one of the few minor criticisms of JP that have any merit.

And once again @tinoesroho who thinks JP is a nazi returns;

Peterson, like any good capitalist, knows the trick to finding an audience is to put yourself out there. Like, say Eric Flint, making a first book free online makes great business sense. That his first book is thoroughly incomprehensible helps Jordan - to find the true meaning, they need his newest book (conveniently just 19.99!), they cut themselves out of their family and friends (rule whatever: cut out toxic people), they need to buy his self authoring “kit” (39.99!), get answers for a cool 200 USD in a video call that may or may not devolve into yet another anti-feminist rant like he notoriously did on recording, etc.

If you don’t see how this makes any sense, I don’t blame you. Tino is somehow surprised that 12 Rules for Life costs much less than Maps of Meaning. Huh, maybe that’s because 12 Rules was published by Penguin (or was it Random House? I heard that the two merged) and Maps was published by Routledge, a highly reputable academic publisher. Academic monographs always cost much more than popular level books. I don’t think I need to explain why (either way, JP has released Maps of Meaning for free online). Tino, who hasn’t read Maps of Meaning, says Maps of Meaning is incomprehensible. That’s laughable. Anyways, the academic community has highly endorsed Maps of Meaning, as I’ve shown from many quotations earlier, not to mention that it’s been cited by academics hundreds of times.

The rest of the comment is as nonsensical as that. The Future Authoring Program was developed by a team, not just JP. The team includes JP, Daniel Higgins (an Experimental Psychologist at Harvard University), Robert O. Pihl (a Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at McGill University), Michaela C. Shippers (she is an Endowed Professor at Erasmus University). Together, they’ve created a program which according to psychological research decreases leaving rates among students at universities/colleges/schools, especially students who generally have higher leaving rates (i.e. minorities). The idea of tino that JP and his colleagues should just give away these highly complex programs for free is as absurd as absurd gets.

@milliefink is generally recognised here as an erudite and insightful commenter. Which is to say, your statement above is credible.

So much for the sweet revenue stream from all that Peterson-branded lobster merch. Also, no more lobster memes for you (we might allow crayfish).


Speaking of the alt right; this is not the type of business Philly needed to attract.

I’m wondering about upcoming elections & 2020. Apparently- some of the leadership previously worked for Russian media companies. Who knows where startup funding came from? PA is a key state going forward.



@milliefink is generally recognised here as an erudite and insightful commenter. Which is to say, your above statement is credible.

I have no clue how “erudite” millie is, but considering what I’ve seen, it’s very little indeed (all too quickly did he jump on the monetary conspiracy bandwagon). Sorry, but propping up your friends as “erudite” is not a successful way to actually showing anything.

So much for the sweet revenue stream from all that Peterson-branded lobster merch. Also, no more lobster memes for you (we might allow crayfish).

Talk about a non-sequitur. The vast enormity of what JP says about lobsters remains correct. Dominance hierarchies, serotonin levels, etc. Perhaps I should show you the entire citations list in JP’s book about lobsters, and you can tell me how many of them are about crawfish and … how many aren’t. And even on this detail, JP’s “error”, if it is (no biologist has actually appeared, making the ‘error’ tentative since no one actually understands what the paper is saying) valid, is minor – JP says that the nervous system dissolves, but in fact only some neurocircuits shift in proportion (necessarily by the previous ones disappearing through, well, dissolving). I’ve seen some absurd leftist responses to what JP says who are outright disingenuous about what JP is saying, such as PZ Myers who claimed that JP says lobster nervous systems and human brains are the same. This is why PZ Myers has been … well … forgotten.

Ahem. Misrepresenting whether an animal has a brain is a non trivial mistake that should invalidate whatever someone says about that subject.




You’re new here. Just giving you some helpful context about the regulars who frequent this place. It must be quite jarring after spending all your time wowing 'em on Twitter, in the comments sections of Youtube and perhaps on religious-themed sites.

If you’re going to be reading that book on the fall of Rome you might want to brush up on some basic Latin, because (as with ad hominem) you clearly don’t know what a non sequitur is.


Talk about errors about me.

EDIT: Just realized something. Wow, you leftists are some really prejudicial people. Talk about people who complain about all those stereotypes in the endless battle of the Oppression Olympics, I don’t think I’ve seen more people willing to make presumptions about another group then you guys.

If you’re going to be reading that book on the fall of Rome you might want to brush up on some basic Latin, because (as with ad hominem) you clearly don’t know what a non sequitur is.

Sorry, but your definition nonsense is starting to bother me. A non-sequitur is deriving something from a statement that doesn’t follow. You obviously did that, despite what you might feel otherwise. We’ve seen JP might have made a minor error on a single one of his many points about lobsters and your conclusion was … “So much for the sweet revenue stream from all that Peterson-branded lobster merch.” I.e. JP’s entire lobster mania was wrong! You’re not helping yourself out with these weak tactics, bucko.


Please show me where I said lobster.


So, you admit you were wrong.


And there it is folks, the inevitable victim card!

Let’s see, where is that square on my Jordan Peterson Fanboi Bingo Card . . .


Ummm … no. I was right. You were talking about lobsters. I think you’re trying to conceal that, eh?

@milliefink has become a bit uncomfortable, it seems. Leftists like to prop themselves up against prejudice, and indeed, now that I have outright proven that these so called leftists are more prejudicial than anyone else, I am … playing the victim card!

And there it is folks, the inevitable victim card!

Let’s see, where is that square on my Jordan Peterson Fanboi Bingo Card . . .

That’s a nice way to cover up hypocrisy. :slight_smile:

Again - go back to my statement you responded to & show me.