Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure

This is of course false. Proscribing slurs is not compulsion. On can simply not use pronouns.


I’d love to stay and talk to brick walls, but I really must take my leave. Work beckons.

It is abundantly clear to all and sundry, bystanders and participants, that Peterson is your average SoCon and understands nothing. It’s a shame that so many people tie their personal, individual identities, into a collective of lobsterdom and ignorance.

Peterson fundamentally does not understand feminism, marxism, post-modernism, nor has he actually read any of the various disciplines’ canons, instead relying on Hicks (Stephen Hicks) to make shit up summarize for him.

I leave you with this.

That is truly the dumbest thing I’ve read today, and I’ve read a lot.

It’s blatantly obvious that neither you nor Peterson view trans folk as people. The law in Canada says don’t be a dick on matters of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, place of origin, and look at you (and Jordaddy) getting your knickers in a twist because you’ve been repeatedly reminded that harassing people by repeatedly purposefully misgendering them is harassment.

Don’t be a dick is so easy. You just don’t have to be a dick.

Jordan abuses the same rhetorical devices as Trump did with Trump’s infamous “Second Amendement people may have a solution”; he doesn’t go outright and state that he hates trans folk, but he does tapdance on the edge of saying that unless we exterminate trans folk they’ll destroy western society by instituting Stalinism.

It’s so clear, a toddler can see it.

I hope with time you’ll come to see it, too.

I really must go to work now. Churrio.


You are also pretty clearly out of your depth on that historiography, so I’d suggest you brush up on it. Browning was responding to Daniel Goldhagen’s work on exactly the same documents, where he suggested it was something inherent to the interwar german mindset that made them able to commit such acts. Browning corrected that by pointing out the larger implications of authoritarianism in the modern world. Holocaust historiography is a deep and wide field that has broader applications for understanding human nature.



One last thing, here’s Peterson (again), demonstrating your lack of reading comprehension.




Again, JP’s point is about compelled speech. So once again, I simply don’t see the point in talking about harassment. As I’ve stated earlier, I don’t know about JP’s view on this. To think about it, though, I’d guess he is against harassment in the workplace as much as you are, since he’s said he’s NEVER mistreated a student in his class as a point once. So he is definitely against workplace harassment. Who isn’t, anyways? To support JP is for that stuff is just to create another bogeyman.

This is of course false. Proscribing slurs is not compulsion. On can simply not use pronouns.

Wrong Kathy. Once again, I’ll offer the quotes that specifically show that the Ontario Human Rights Commission and other leftist lawyers consider it discrimination to fail to use certain pronouns – from Bruce Pardy, a Law Professor at Queen’s University;

Few Canadians realize how seriously these statutes infringe upon freedom of speech. The Ontario Human Rights Commission has stated, in the context of equivalent provisions in the Ontario Human Rights Code, that “refusing to refer to a trans person by their chosen name and a personal pronoun that matches their gender identity … will likely be discrimination when it takes place in a social area covered by the Code, including employment, housing and services like education.”

andfrom a video from CUPE BC (Canadian Union of Public Employees, British Columbia), where the ‘expert’ says;

It’s important to use the appropriate pronouns for trans people for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it’s the law. Recent changes to the BC Human Rights Code and the Federal Human Rights Act make discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression forbidden.

@tinoesroho, who has previously claimed JP is a nazi, returns. Tino falsesly says neither I nor JP view trans people as people, tino forgets Bill C-16 compels speech, tino claims without evidence that JP “abuses” rhetorical devices, and that based on this sum of no evidence, even a toddler could figure this out. Hmm.


You are also pretty clearly out of your depth on that historiography, so I’d suggest you brush up on it. Browning was responding to Daniel Goldhagen’s work on exactly the same documents, where he suggested it was something inherent to the interwar german mindset that made them able to commit such acts. Browning corrected that by pointing out the larger implications of authoritarianism in the modern world. Holocaust historiography is a deep and wide field that has broader applications for understanding human nature.

Sure, I don’t know that historiography, but JP’s point seems to remain the same either way. Ordinary people can become horrible monsters. Yep, that’s a fact. So while I don’t claim to know the specifics about the historiography of Ordinary Men, the greater point seems to be what’s more important here. And indeed, it does look like @Melizmatic is simply being a trolley on this thread. Me? Surely not, considering the depth of the sources and evidence I’ve quoted to combat absurd accusations against JP.

I’m sure all of us would appreciate a JP meme every once in a while to take a breath of fresh air. To everyone who is willing, come and join the intellectual dark side.

He said something

John said something

They responded

Alphonse responded

No one is making you not say Alphonse- and one would hope an academic would have some facility with language usage.


The usage of correct pronouns is no different than proscribing anti- Arab slurs in the workplace.

A bigot will say you’re an (insert slur) - to make me refer to you as otherwise is an abridgment of my free speech rights. I know what you are and how to refer to you.

But - no one is forcing you to describe someone by their Arab heritage at all.


It’s always funny (in a sickening way) for me to hear this appeal-to-authority defense of Peterson – it’s always from people who otherwise express disdain for academia, as a hotbed of liberalism and a bunch of pointyheaded, out-of-touch eggspurts who don’t know how the real world works. They consider academia full of bullshit most of the time, except when it comes to defending the great Jordaddy, where his academic work and position is suddenly cited as further evidence of his legitimacy.


Kathy, I don’t know how many times I have to quote the Bruce Pardy, the Ontario Human Rights Commission and other legal experts saying that not using certain pronouns counts as discrimination here. You have addressed none of the references I’ve provided. Sorry, it looks to me as if I can’t convince you on this. Bill C-16 needs to be repealed ASAP.

Thank you for making it clear that the Alt-Reich are Nazis, and that Peterson indeed supports them. For example, Ben motherfucking Shaipro has appeared on multiple podcasts and enjoys a vivacious relationship with Peterson, whilst spouting the same rhetoric and agitprop as other more blatant alt-Reichers.

- posted from the toilet, because Peterson is shot, and so too is your slander


How many quotes must a man disingenuously walk down?



Help! I’m being forced to say _she ___picked up the report!!!

Ms. Smith picked up the report.


So is the belief that such horrors spring out fully formed instead of being carefully being stoked and cultivated over time by hatemongers and those who pander to them.

And yet he continues raising the idea as a strawman that’s keeping his followers down. That he paints the strawman as confused doesn’t change that fact.

The fact is that no-one who truly understands and has studied either Marxism or postmodernism would call himself both at the same time because it simply doesn’t make sense. But Jordaddy’s rank-and-file followers are impressed by the concept of a “postmodern neoMarxist” conspiracy in academia, so he keeps trotting it out.

An aside: I’ve noticed you make a lot of arguments from authority in your comments (and to a lesser degree you indulge in argumentum ad populum concerning the current book’s bestseller status and such). That’s a bad habit of the mind, perhaps one you learned from Peterson who’s also prone to them.

He consistently claims that they’re the enemies of traditional Western values when in fact they’re established Western concepts themselves. He wants things both ways but educated people who’ve studied these concepts seriously aren’t going to let that go unchallenged like his acolytes do.

No, I’m pulling out of my personal “white male cisgender person who’s aware of his privilege” handbook. That’s why I find his appeals to his fanbase (and to alt-right talking points) so embarrassing and worthy of criticism. That others are drawn in by his nonsense and that he’s supported by useful idiots who believe his main concern is free speech is sad, but it’s clear where he’s found his audience since his opposition to C-16 brought him to prominence.

And yet for 18 years no-one outside academia talked about him or his ideas. The YouTube medium alone cannot explain the spread of his popularity, but the current political climate and the resurgence of right-wing populism can. He is, sadly, a public intellectual for our times.

(also, there you go again with your appeals to authority)

Then C-16 is not an issue for him. It doesn’t affect him or anyone else who accords trans people basic respect.

Also, it’s telling that this only became a major issue for him when trans people were included under the protections. He had years to complain about “coerced speech” in re: people of colour, women, etc. and yet he was compartively silent.

I’m going by the language of the bill and the larger set of protections to which it refers, which do not consider it discrimination unless the intent is clearly there (e.g. a housing official deliberately and repeatedly calling a trans woman “he” after she has requested otherwise).

If that’s the case then there’s no logical reason he should be bringing it up in regard to incels. But he did because part of his M.O. is to give shout-outs to alt-right talking points and ask us to give them serious consideration even as he claims he doesn’t agree with their interpretation of a term. If he doesn’t want to be seen as enabling the alt-right maybe he should stop pandering to them obliquely even as he claims to disagree with them on some issues.


I don’t know any academics, hard science or “soft” that hold with Jordaddy. Everyone reviles him and is generally embarassed by him. And Ive been in academia for 16 years. I dont know a single Prof that doesn’t roll their eyes (some go straight to yelling) when his name comes up.


LOL! Tino still calling JP a nazi and alt-righter, even though this has been hopelessly refuted. Once more, what an actual alt-righter says about JP:

So we can conclude a few things: that a Jewish television producer put Peterson on the map, that Jewish-dominated mainstream media outlets give him incredible coverage and access, and that his fierce pro-Jewish stance indicates a loyalty to the Jews supporting and promoting him. This makes Peterson essentially a tool of the powerful Jews backing his weak, inconsequential pushback against radical leftism.

Ben Shapiro is just obviously nothing approaching alt-right. He’s literally an Orthodox Jew. That article that accuses him of being alt-right, besides being behind a paywall, is just an obvious waste of time to anyone concerned with reality. Tino has not even tried to backtrack on his absurd ideas, which says so much about how concerned tino is with getting his facts right, rather than simply being right. Looks like tino needs to follow one of JP’s rules: be precise in your speech.


Sorry Kathy, but at this point, you’re making no sense to me anymore.

I’m sorry that you can’t see how revoking protections here is a prelude to revoking the ones that protect you too.


The alt-right has many facets, and ultra-nationalist religious fundamentalism (and the enablement thereof) is one of them (I say this as someone who supports the existence of the State of Israel in its original labour Zionist conception). On the geopolitical level we see that tendency with Netanyahu as surely as we see it with Erdogan or Orban or Putin (or Il Douche, who regularly panders to Xtianist suckers). If you’re equating the alt-right only and exclusively with actual Nazis and Jew-haters you need to study it a bit more.


A guy who pulls in about a million a year who tells you he’s not doing it for the money isn’t even fooling himself.

If you’re not - move to a non monetized platform.


Alt-reichers have the following core characteristics:

  • Anti-Islam
  • Anti-Feminism
  • Anti-Equality

And most* are also anti-trans

* Lauren Southern is legally Male, still 3 for 3

I’d say you’ve taken that quote out of context. The vast majority of alt-reich speech pertaining to Peterson celebrates his anti-Islam, anti-feminist, anti-equality stances.