But there are more and more of them sprouting up in the sunlight every day.
I’m not saying ignoring them is the right way, but we obviously have not found the right weed killer yet.
I breathe all the time, yet I’m still going to die.
What’s the point?
Are you worried an Ohio voter is going to come to BB and see that headline and say “yup, that’s my guy!”? Do you think that this article will be a good thing for his SEO?* Is he going to proudly post it in the “In the News” section of his campaign Web site? Do you think BB should join the corporate media in pretending that these fascists – even/especially morons like him – aren’t a threat? What’s your specific objection here?
[* ask Rick Santorum about that]
I could halfway see a point about seo but really considering how the GQP and Trump-Quaeda will be will be touting it, in addition to right-wing MSM and the light-right MSM, I’m really not sure how much “this politician running for office is an idiot” on a blog like BB is a factor in promoting him.
His name will be trending because the Nazi Death Cult that formed around Trump now represents the core values and desires of at least 60% of the Republican Party and there’s currently no viable other party than the Democratic Party which is just never going to appeal to people whose only remaining honest moral value is literally just “murder Democrats.”
We can get better at breathing.
There might very more to your analogy than I choose to consider too deeply…
This round of right wingers is a direct outcome of “ignoring them” for several decades. We should have been taking white supremacists and the far right seriously since OKC bombing, but we continued to treat it like a “lone wolf” or “sad, crazy white guy” problem. These were widespread networks that were loose enough to endure some getting picked up. Figures from these movements broke off precisely so they could begin to spread white supremacist talking points into the GOP, which they’ve been wildly successful at doing. Figures like David Duke influenced people like Pat Buchannan, who have influenced the fringes of the modern GOP, until it exploded into Trumpism when the right person who had a high profile and no morals came along.
We need to STOP ignoring these people and instead expose them, the networks that support them, and the actual content of their ideology, which is just warmed over, shitty white supremacy.
sort of a discover the networks type deal, but motivated by better politics?
You can’t punch Nazis if you don’t know where they are.
Well, that to. But really, the fact that so many people aren’t aware of how much shit that white supremacist groups were able to get away with because of their “lone wolf” tactic (which is not widely used by groups like Islamic State and the like) shows just how successsful they were in deploying that tactic… or maybe some people just don’t believe that they’re all that wrong in the first place…
People don’t realize how interconnected this is with the rise of the neo-liberal economy, too. Capitalist with partner with anyone who will allow them to function without borders or regulation…
It is a bit of a stretch to call Mandel the most idiotic running in that primary. That isn’t because he isn’t an idiot, but the primary just has such stiff competition for that title. Bernie Moreno funded a conference to try to turn Cleveland into the bitcoin center of the universe and attacked covid restrictions while sitting on the board of one of the 50 largest public hospitals in the US.
Let’s try to steer clear of Nazi rhetoric when we’re discussing a Jewish candidate who has already been the target of antisemitic ads in this primary.
Because it has previously worked to stop Mandel from taking office. When he lost the Senate seat in 2012 to Sherrod Brown we were all better off and it happened because people called him on his bullshit, including his own family.
This is one of the rare cases where you might be able to reach even them. It is a well funded, hotly contested, Republican primary that splits along a lot of old fissures in the Republican primary. You have a known author Vance funded by Peter Thiel, running against an all culture war Mandel with deep ties to the state party, against a rah rah business candidate Moreno, and former state party chair in Jane Timken, and a widely endorsed figure in Dolan.
If we’re going to evoke that period, the proper word for Jews like Mandel who co-operate with fascists is “kapo”. In that context, the fact that his opponents are rolling out anti-Semitic attacks against him is not surprising. He can traffick all he wants in conspiracy theories about Soros, but the bigots he’s trying to please will never see him as a good, white Real American™.
Vance has a different and more interesting kind of challenge to overcome in the primary. He has to convince the right-wing mouth-breathers to forget that he went to Yale Law, was a “coastal elite” techie, and that he blamed them for their own misfortune. Fooling the Know-Nothings isn’t an impossible task, though, especially with his vampiric former boss throwing money at the problem.
Totally reminds me of the rhetoric around addressing homelessness!
“We built a 12-unit shelter in San Fran, but there are still homeless people everywhere. We can’t keep throwing money at the problem.”
He’s trying very hard to become the next Matt Gaetz/Marjorie Taylor Greene/Lauren Boebert. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be that pathetic.
That’s a well solved problem in politics. W was a Connecticut born son of a President who did the whole Philllips Academy to Yale track and still ran his entire career as a folksy Texan man of the people. The tech angle might play in his favor right now with the whole Intel deal.
True. The seeming liability of his victim-blaming those he’s trying to court (as he did in his book) is also historically overcome by offering himself up as just the leader to whip them into shape, reconnect them with traditional values, and help them regain their rightful place as rulers of this great, God-fearing nation.
If he gets into the Senate he’ll be one of its more dangerous fascists.
“Yes, I did go to Yale Law. You know who else went to Yale Law? Stewart Rhodes!”
It amazes me that someone who thought it was a swell idea to dig a network of tunnels on a property he was renting graduated from any law school.
this is all we can expect from the GOP anymore, idiots and thugs.
The point is that Big Oxygen is making money from you! They got you hooked on air, convinced you that you needed to keep breathing. They told you that if you didn’t, you’d die! But I’ve done my research. Wake up, sheeple! The respirationists have you where they want you! But it’s time to set ourselves free!!! If we all just refuse to play their game, then … urrkk …