Journalists should stop interviewing Kellyanne Conway

They are doing this for all his speeches now.


His strongest supporters are a lost cause. The political spectrum is just that, a spectrum not binary. Think about eroding his support from the middle. The people that held their nose and voted for him despite many misgivings and the liberals that didn’t bother to vote for Hillary. Hopefully enough of the former come to regret their vote and the latter regret their lack of a vote in four years.

Note: Four years never sounded so long.


The good news is, it might be the shortest four years ever (remember that stuff about Trump not understanding why they can’t use nuclear weapons?)


True, but this could give them the opportunity to get some power back from the fringes of their party. the more the far right is discredited, the better.

Honestly, I’m still on stage 1 on the grief stages: Denial. Every day I can’t believe he is still here getting away with what he does. About nukes, at this point he seems more likely to use a nuke against CNN or SNL than a foreign power.


I had a dream a few months ago that Trump was trying to nuke California, generals were ordering the people at the missile silo not to comply, congress was rushing to see if they could impeach him within the hour, while Trump was trying to get the FBI to round up congress and the generals for treason and get the nukes launched.

You know sometimes you wake up from dreams and for a moment you don’t realize they weren’t real? The thing that clued me in was that it was still November and he wasn’t president yet. Nothing about the content seemed impossible.


Which is scary as hell!? what a terrible dream!


If I were a moderate conservative I’d have likely given up on the GOP by now. The party has been taken over by Teabaggers and worse, and most establishment politicians in the party are showing themselves to be cowards and opportunists. It was too much for George Will, who left the party and who isn’t what anyone would call a moderate conservative.

Moderate Republicans already know as well as we do that Conway and Spicer and liars and BS artists.


Lets hope it was a nightmare and not a premonition. :fearful:


We can hope?? :slight_smile:

I believe the tide will turn. The timescale is larger, sometimes by orders of magnitude, than we realize or hope or can tolerate. In my view, Trumpism is nothing more than oscillations of the social upheavals of the 1960s. Fundamental change takes a long time to permeate a society. Some fraction of the country is still not fully bought into the idea that women should be in the workplace, for example. A society’s reaction to change is elastic, and the oscillations are slowly damped down over generations. (Perhaps this belief is only my security blanket, but I’m clinging to it nonetheless.)


Well, you need to establish that they originally said it, I’d say.

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So far I’m batting about 0% for prophetic dreaming. This would not be a good place to start.


I can see your argument, and I don’t want to discount it completely, but I tend to be on the side of, “You fight people who fight dirty with soapy water right in the eyes.” (Not an actual expression, I made it up.)

As in, if Trump is going to create a kid’s table for journalists where they have to play nice for access, then journalists need to make it clear that Trump needs them more than they need Trump. I sense that this is an assertion of power rather than a protest. The more it becomes the latter, the more likely it will backfire. The more it’s about flexing muscles and not being bullied (and maintaining that message) the less likely it can be spun as liberal media antics. We weirdly have Limbaugh et al to thank for some inoculation to the idea: A lot of people hear “liberal media” as noise (much like the pejorative, “socialist,” is losing power.)

But I agree with you to the extent that if this is mismanaged it can go pear-shaped after a while.


there’s always another news outlet that will fill in, then there will only be one version (of “facts”), best to confront her whenever possible.

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This morning on the Canadian news, they came as close as I have ever heard them use the word “lie” (in regard to the “million and a half” attendance; they made an aside that the number “according to many estimates is highly unlikely”).

I hope this is a trend that continues.


Agreed. Clearly your brain was just charting the most likely trajectory of this sociopath. Frightening future.


Multi-headed hydra warning! She’d just interview herself, claim it was the media, then go to war against herself, but still end up winning.


Is Arnold still in the party? I never expected to see him as (by comparison) an elder statesman – nor that he’d be in a position to lecture someone else about groping women.


WH press secretary and various spokespeople should have never been conceived, and the positions should be eliminated. Their only function is to filter, spin, obfuscate, deflect, lie, and be plausibly in the dark about anything scandalous. It’s positively Orwellian; under the guise of transparency and disseminating information, they are a barrier to actually getting truthful information. If the president has something to say, he should say it. Instead of “the president believes…” or “the president’s position is…”, why not have the actual president say his own damn words. Save a few hundred large.

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Wait till they lie about telling the first lie. Now, not when they just say
it wasn’t a lie. Wait till they say they didn’t say it in the first place.
THEN show just enough of the original lie to prove them a liar yet again.