Judge: Project Veritas has no First Amendment right to Biden daughter's stolen diary

Every time I see the words “Space Force”, I hear it in the old “Spaaaace Ghoooost!” voice.


What’s sad is that we absolutely DO need a Space Force or similar organization responsible for satellite security and infrastructure and all that. Putting this on NASA, is silliness. The Air Force possibly could handle it, but they don’t have the tooling for the most part.

I just think it’s probably a bit early for it, and I wish the dumbass hadn’t formed it, but there’s definitely a need for it. If the GPS sats were taken out, we’d be in serious trouble.


I marvelled at the clarity of the Buddhist precept against theft: “Not taking that which is not freely given.” There’s wiggle room in there, but there’s a lot less wiggle room than “Thou shalt not steal”.


The Air Force was doing it. They just carved off a few Air Force units (former US Air Force space command) and said “you’re Space Force now”. It is still a component of the Department of the Air Force.


I think I know where they got this from


Every time I hear the words “Space Force,” I remind myself that it is probably only a matter of a few years before they get folded back into the Air Force and disappear. Sartorial decisions like uniforms designed as a mix of Nazi SS uniforms with the old Flash Gordon aesthetic leave me wondering how long before Congress realizes their mistake and cuts their budget to 0, then moves the actual useful stuff to civilian agencies and actual military units, ones with fewer officers than enlisted soldiers – 4,286 enlisted service members and 4,314 officers, down from 16,000 total at creation. There have been army batillions larger than they are, and their shrinkage suggests they’re still overstaffed. Ok, rant done.



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Basically, Trump just wanted to create a new branch of the military, so he could pretend like he gives a shit about our service members. He, of course, does not.




Damn, the puke emoji is way overdue, man…


The idea had been floated a few times over the previous decades. The bill to create the new branch was bipartisan and initiated in 2017. Of course Trump took all the credit in 2018 and backed it (“nobody had this idea before”). Really unfortunate that it finally came about because of one shithead’s vanity.


Ken Jeong Yes GIF by The Masked Singer


So it’s similar to how the Marines are still part of the Navy? I guess that makes sense.


Just because something is available online doesn’t mean it isn’t creepy as fuck to intentionally view it, let alone actively seek it out.


Yes a similar structure.


It was freely available in a lot of shitty places. Maybe avoid those places ? You’re telling on yourself here.


A prototype uniform that was finished being made that day isn’t well-tailored?

I’m shocked. Absolutely gob-smacked.

Look at that hat. It’s just the USAF General hat with a new band around the cap instead of clouds with thunderbolts, and a new insignia on the front. And honestly, military uniforms tend to be ill-tailored, because not a bunch of time and money is spent on making them well-tailored.

They’ve carved off some Army and Navy orgs over to USSF, as now 10 and 53 SOPS.

I’m vaguely questioning how you got your manning numbers. Also, "battalion’, not “batallion”, but a battalion is something like 300-1000 soldiers, tending towards the smaller number when you have more expensive stuff (infantry battalions have a bunch of people, MLRS battalion is closer to the 400 personnel mark). Not everything in the units that transferred actually transferred to USSF. For example, 45th Space Wing transferred to Space Launch Delta 45, but all the medical people are still USAF. Ditto the personalists, civil engineers, cops, cooks, accountants, weathermen, logisticians, etc. Because the only enlisted in the USSF are space operators, intel, and computer guys. So entire units didn’t move over, and of the units that did move, not everyone in them moved.
Yes, it looks Flash Gordon, because the entire force is made up of geeks. If they weren’t geeks before they joined, they became one. It’s also reminiscent of Star Trek TOS movie uniforms, with the asymmetrical double-breasted flap. Which is probably where Futurama got it as well.


the issue has always been that no one knows if/when the thieves altered said stolen items. Content “found” in a diary or documents could be invented.


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