Judge reassigned after reversing rape conviction and saying "this is what happens" at teen parties

Just for the record, judges can overturn only guilty verdicts in this way. They cannot overturn a verdict of not guilty.

(I’m sure you know this, but others may not be aware.)


Replying again because the link you posted includes a link to another page, regarding situations like the above:

“If a judge does grant a motion for judgment of acquittal based on insufficiency of evidence, the effect is usually dismissal of the charges and release of the defendant (if the defendant is in jail). The prosecution typically cannot bring the case again because of the prohibition against double jeopardy, which prevents a defendant from being tried twice for the same crime. However, if the judge granted the acquittal after the jury reached a guilty verdict, the prosecution can usually appeal.

(emphasis added)


:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: the honorable Judge Creepo. Something tells me the perverts who think this type of thing is natural and bound to happen when girls flaunt their body would have a totally different opinion if it was a gay teen assaulting an unconscious drunk straight boy :thinking:


And where did this happen? That’s an important piece of information and not one that people should have to follow the BBC link to find out, nor should they have to look up where Adams County, Illinois is once they do. It’s the area around Quincy, which is on the Mississippi River about 100 miles north of St. Louis.

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I believe he also said it was her fault that he raped her for the way she was dressed (underwear). This guy needs to be gone.


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