Jumpsuits are horribly impractical if you plan to take a piss any time during the day. They are pretty good if you plan to get filthy all day, especially if insects are involved.
But I find them impractical and ugly unless you need them. I don’t, wait… hold on a second… what does this say?
either from recycled Ivanka fiber, or you know, those old Star Wars sheets you have lying around.
You… you’re suggesting cutting up vintage Star War sheets? Wha? What is this? The room is spinning… ARGH - you’re dead to me, Boing Boing! You hear that, dead!
I just got some of these for my husband.Theyr’e called Dickies. I’m not a big reader of current feminist discussions but to my mind anything in our culture marked “uningrndered” is defacto engendered as male. See: pee access. See also: Lego, most comics and video games.
The issue is less about oppression, and more about safety. In WW1, women working in heavy industry wore sort of a uniform of trousers and a knee-length dress, although coveralls were not terribly uncommon. But any sort of loose skirt or long hair was a real hazard around machinery or open flame. I know that people have experimented with all sorts of “trapdoor” and “backflap” arrangements, but those tend to involve so much trouble buttoning or keeping away drafts that it is just easier to learn to work the coveralls.
Then you have the question of what goes under them. Many coveralls have two sets of pocket flaps, one of which lets you reach into your pants pockets, if you are wearing pants underneath. Some European companies use more of a bib overall, which can be tailored to present a more flattering look, and are much easier to deal with during necessary breaks.
I’m clear on the aspects of practicality/utility and repurposing fibers, but no garment really has a gender attached to it, so… why jumpsuits? Dickies work separates seem much more practical for mechanical work than the single garment here; these jumpsuits are almost as uncomfortable to look at as a unitard.
Personally I think the world would be much nicer if we all wore a futuristic jumpsuit, but then I worry about how much of a pain it is to work with when going to the bathroom.
They should package each jumpsuit with a pair of footie pajamas. I mean, what happens after all that jumping around in your jumpsuit? A body’s gonna need a nap, you know?