I’ve had some terrible jobs in my time, yet this doesn’t strike me as the worst one.
Oh, hang on, someone else’s dick?
Perhaps not.
There was that time in Thailand though.
I was never confused.
Not quite what I thought “we’ll get medieval on your penis” would mean, thank you very much “Pulp Fiction.”
Yes, they most certainly do. I can think of at least a dozen different songs that could very well be based off of those poems, at least four of which are from a single duo!
Like working in a candy factory. Sure, it sounds like fun, but about a week into the job, and you’re sick of the smell of . . . candy.
On the website which is always making fun of those more prudish generations… a headline saying to be thankful we’re not looking for work in a time that was less prudish.
Just be thankful you’re not a medieval penis.
And here I was assuming “Penis Investigator” was another term for “Private Dick.”
Oh, brimming. Got it.
I thought this was primarily a French thing after reading about it in The Paris Review, the couple also being required to “perform” for medical and legal people. Quite extraordinary but of course the state no longer owns one’s body, right? /s
It does make for a very funny comedy farce for theatre though.
Melania, is that you?
I think it was Stormy.
Good point. It’s not likely Melania would know.
“It’ll never stand up in court.”
[Missing-the-joke pedantry] That’s only honey-bees. Not bumbles.
I’d hate to run across a medieval penis. Ancient and probably wrinkly.
One sting and I’m done?
Indeed, it’s the pendulous brass member in the grandfather clock that causes the timely slap of the oblong dong.