Kagen Sound's incredibly intricate puzzle boxes

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/21/kagen-sounds-incredibly-intricate-puzzle-boxes.html


“Hmmm… puzzel boxes, you say?”


Once again BB tempts me with a product I cannot own. I was going to splurge up to $100 for a puzzle box. The most affordable on his website is $3400.


Lacking even a dust-speck of this fine fellow’s crafty cunning, i once went all electronic with a “puzzle” box which just contained some xyz accelerometer sensor and an early model microprocessor (PIC). …anyway, you had to place the box in 16 different end-up positions before the little servo would pop the box open. Very unskilled kludge as compared with this amazing Artist’s work. my only minuscule particle of pride was you couldn’t see the mechanism with the box open; oh and when the battery ran down its final act was opening a re-charge port.


Understandable, considering how much fine craftsmanship goes into those. I think you could create some of those mechanisms with 3d printing, though! Still a fun puzzle, even if it wouldn’t be as much of a work of art anymore.

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For my niece’s recent birthday, she just wanted money (she’s a teenager). I put the money in a personalized cylindrical maze puzzle to dress the whole thing up a bit. Even a puzzle box as simple as that was well received, and we had a couple of minutes of fun while she figured out how to solve it.


You can get traditional Japanese puzzleboxes for a reasonable price, and they’re beautiful objects too!
I bought a couple as Christmas gifts a few years back from https://hakonemaruyama.co.jp/
It looks like they’ve gone up in price since then, but there are still some nice examples available for reasonable money.


Very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

@Enochrewt , there were a few at the link for <$1000, including one for $475. That’s still a little outside of my price range, but the prices all seem reasonable for someone.

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