Kamala was not what Biden's betrayers wanted. Too bad

Activists who wanted Biden to continue running for re-election blamed “elites” for opposing the thing they wanted because activists blame elites for everything they don’t like.

It’s almost a tautology — is a thing bad? It’s because elites.

Now that “Biden out, Harris in” is the official plan, it should become less fashionable to “blame” it on anyone :thinking:


Plus she has easy access to the Re-elect Biden/Harris organization and huge pile of cash.
No one else would.


And just like the human body, that abscess can be isolated and encapsulated until the infection dies. Right now, the risk is sepsis…


I think the younger Dems as listed are quite tired of the old centrist (read: right to far right) establishment Democratic Party power brokers.


I was going to jokingly post the “CRY SOME MORE!” gif here, but after reading through the comments… no.

As a lot of people on Tumblr have stated, If you are stating you aren’t going to vote, you are indirectly supporting trump. Not Playing is not a choice that can be made in good faith. (and yes, a lot of the “not voting” people on tumblr are probably running under a psyops campaign.)

Yes. I certainly am.


Well, Harris is a career prosecutor, so I think it goes on the Rap sheet.


Instantly? No. But these guys require the aura of power and strength, and being humiliated by someone of a group they despise as “subhuman vermin” robs them of that illusion. Thier hardcore supporters will cling on, but the hangers on who admire the strong image will (hopefully) fall away, and I suspect there are a lot more of these “positions? I don’t care about no stninkin’ positions! He is powerful!!” types.


it’s not as encouraging for Democrats as you think. Yes, non-affiliated independent voters are a decreasing share of American voters but realistically all that means is that either party can nominate a potted plant and get 40% of the vote share.

Also, there are other political demographic changes that are working for the GOP. They are now THE party for non-college educated Caucasian voters (the biggest voting block in america!) and also the GOP is making solid inroads into the Hispanic vote as the Democractic Party shifts leftward.

It also doesn’t help that the GOP has an innate advantage in House, Senate AND the Electoral College (now) due to distribution of politically pre-aligned voters. If the Democratic Party gets vote parity nationally… they lose.


This entirely. I’m no pundit, but lump me in with what this post calls ‘betrayers.’ My opinions haven’t changed. They’re not complicated or rare.

  1. I wanted Biden to beat Trump
  2. I expected Biden to lose
  3. I prefer Harris over Biden
  4. Harris has better odds than Biden of winning, but still not high enough for my comfort
  5. There are plenty of other people who would have been better candidates (including ones who wouold have been interested in being the nominee) than Harris, either by odds-of-winning, or by my own policy preferences. Not having a primary where they could have gained public notice even if they lost is a missed opportunity we’ll regret in 2028 or 2032
  6. The democratic party lacked the institutional capacity to organize effectively around anyone other than Harris once Biden stepped aside

is Harris a better candidate to get Democratic voters? Maybe?

Would Newsom or Shapiro be a better candidate to get independent voters? Probably. They aren’t linked to the shockingly unpopular Biden administration, without getting into the thorny issue that america is still kinda racist and sexist.

The independent voters are required to win the election.


Check This Out Cookie Monster GIF by Sesame Street

As I said, this will not necessarily bring Republicans over, but it has already increased excitement and involvement on the left, which was flagging under Biden. This election will be decided by turnout, and by engagement driving people to overcome the PITA barriers the fascists will but up to suppress votes. Harris is driving that far more than Biden did. The feeling of voting for something rather than just existential dread of the alternative is a huge boon to our side, and I think the fascists are realizing this. And are absolutely terrified by it.


Oh, FFS. It’s not difficult calculus. High voter turnout means Dems win. It’s really that simple. There are significantly more Democratic voters than Republicans. The difficulty is getting those voters to the polls and getting their votes counted. That’s it.


Nate Silver polling averages and individual polls:

Nate Silver: “Our model is pessimistic for Biden. But the reality is probably worse.”

Nate Silver: “Biden needs to do more than make up his deficit in national polls.If the popular vote is close, Trump will probably win the election.”

The Nate Silver pages show dozens of polls. The average of them was showing Trump leading. Cherry-picking individual polls is not particularly useful, but if you want one:

Times/Siena Poll: “Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden by six percentage points among likely voters in a new national survey. Overall, 74 percent of voters view Mr. Biden as too old for the job, an uptick since the debate.”

What the fuck is with the continuous vitriol? I don’t get it.


Every poll in UK and France had the right wing winning going away. Both got wiped out. Polls as they currently stand overcount rightwing votes by a lot. I’ve seen numbers of 10-20% overcount to the right. And Nate Silver has pretty much lost any of credibility he once enjoyed. So, yeah, not buying this. At all.


That is, unfortunately for the Democrats, a very wrong statement. Trump beat Clinton in 2016 with ~3 million fewer voters, and the Electoral College math has become BETTER for the GOP since then.

Nate Silver? Who’s entered into a mutually beneficial contract with Peter Thiel, who expects results from those he hires? Okie-dokey.

Does it matter? No. Newsom has already supported Harris. I’m sure Shapiro will follow in short order.

Also, what do you think the priorities of these “independent voters” are?


why? What evidence do you have for that? Is there gonna be a run out of the party by butt-hurt white dudes AGAIN because a woman is at the top of the ticket…?


Nate Silver is not a reliable source. Every poll I saw had Biden and Trump within the margin of error of each other. Polls are also highly malleable depending on the specific phrasing of the questions asked, and even the order in which the questions are asked, because most ask multiple questions. Also, I think polling in general is highly flawed right now. I don’t trust them.


And how do we overcome that electoral college deficit? Increased voter turn out. It really is that simple. And Harris drives that so much more than Biden would have. Young people, who break left in huge numbers, cannot wait to vote for her, as opposed to deciding whether or not to vote at all for Biden. You are just wrong.


Trump’s original motive for becoming president was that he wanted to shit all over Obama’s legacy, after Obama so comprehensively and massively dumped on him at that comedy dinner.

He wanted re-election because he found being President was an easy ticket (because he never did any work) and pretty good fun. It let him fly around the world pretending to be a great stateman, meet the Queen, and so on. Also he could work some decent grifts like making the Secret Service pay to stay in his hotels.

He wants re-election now to get immunity from prosecution. The money from Russia will come in handy too, since he’s got a lot of legal bills to pay.