Kanye West: does the human race want to be like ants or like crabs?

Yeah, the crabby one

  1. type in loser.com
  2. lol

I like Kanye, especially his old music. I saw him perform last year (and Iā€™m glad I did) but holy shit does that dude need an ego check. Also, lyrics like he used to have would also be nice. Also: sings gold digger, marries a gold digger.

Did he shout ā€œwe want prenumpā€ as is suggested in his song? Doubt it.

Itā€™s true, he just wants everyone to get along and be cool to each other.

Unless theyā€™re up against BeyoncĆ© for an award, in which case they can go straight to hell.

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or like gay fishes?

Going out on a limb here (and slightly off topic), but Imma go 'head and say it: the guy (like Sinatra and Elvis before him) strikes a (autotuned, to be sure) chord with me by being emotionally available during his performances.

Things I am not saying:

  1. Heā€™s better than Elvis or Sinatra (heā€™s not)
  2. His words in the OP were smart or profound (the opposite)
  3. His demeanor and treatment of women and others is in any way acceptable

Things I am saying:

  1. Heā€™s an emotionally available performer who makes (some) quality music, and clearly has talent. Its probably the recent loss of my wife, but for whatever reason, I canā€™t help but cry when I hear the song above.
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But seriously, George Bush doesnā€™t care about black people. If everything else Kanye ever blurted out was nonsense, heā€™d still, on the aggregate, be more right than most people.

Thanks for thisā€¦ I had no clue what the hell he was talking about with crabs.

I know Iā€™m not supposed to like Kanye, especially after he scared that pretty white girl and then that hipster white boy, and then married a reality TV star that is apparently the major evidence of the decline of the west but I do. Iā€™m not sure about his music, but I kind of like his over the top ego and the weird things he says.

Actually, after watching the hermit crab video, I think he mightā€™ve constructed a powerful metaphor for the housing bubble.

I donā€™t know, those crabs look suspiciously like communists.

Iā€™m with you. I like that he brings age and race diversity to the loudmouth / blowhard demographic. Sometimes he spouts bullshit, sometimes he is the cringe-worthy id of America, sometimes he speaks the fucking truth. I donā€™t have to agree with all of his utterances to like the fact that he is out there contributing to our shared society. Demolish serious culture, indeed.

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