Kawaii: a keychain-sized Nintendo Wii

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/23/kawaii-a-keychain-sized-nintendo-wii.html


So basically it’s very smol.


Not is but planned to be. And most likely will only have a portion of the functionality of the Wii, lacking a lot of features that made it great, according to multiple hardware reports I’m reading.

It’s kinda like saying an old watch calculator is a computer. Technically, yes, but functionally, no.


They so missed the opportunity to call it かウィい“Kawii.” Sure, not quite 可愛い/カワイイ, but the potential Japanese market would accept it.

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Why is this not just called “Kawii”?

And @Legion

It’s probably because of Nintendo’s legal department. They aren’t known for being chilled out about this kind of thing.

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