My only concern, as someone who has wanted to get on the show for 20 years, is that the contestants aren’t fucked over at the last minute. There’s a week left on their schedule; I believe that’s only three shooting days. I think if this was a real problem, all the other trades at Sony Studios would have walked by now, too, no?
As noted above, no. Most of them are continuing as usual with the blessing of the WGA, finishing up on completed scripts. Jeopardy probably has enough questions banked that it’s not an issue either. This is a choice by the host. Mayim Bialik understands that they can stop production on a game show for the final week without screwing over the contestants in order to show respect to her writers. Jennings has effectively indicated he doesn’t care about the writers.
Just kidding. It’s clearly not. Though it was posed in the form of a question, so you’ll get partial points.
Eta: now that I’m thinking about it, this song arguably should be included in the “cover versions” topic as well
Is this a serious question??
No, not really.
Contestants are constantly fucked over at the last minute by this one and other game shows. I’ve actually qualified for the show, was told I’d be on, interviewed multiple times, and it just… stopped. I wasn’t “the right look.”
By the time you actually get on the show, with a taping date and blow through the per diem and and pay for a lot of it yourself, with your five changes of clothes, you’ve already been screwed over and rescheduled a couple of times.
Just to be clear, when I say “per diem”, the thing I was told was you’re gauranteed $1000 from the show. It’s intended to pay for travel/etc. So if you figure a 3-4 day trip, you got about $150 per day. (That $1000 is taxed)
… no, that’s what you are saying about them—while providing no evidence that proves what you claim
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