Kentucky Republican demonstrates the need for DEI programs with a callous story about her family history

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Um… yeah, it actually was.

And of course, she MEANT to invoke US chattel slavery specifically, given the race-based argument she’s making… So, she knew exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it.


Your most probably right!
(to my excuse, I’m german and not that into the topic cause public debate on slavery here is mostly about forced labour during the NS regime)

Off Topic: What a friendly atmosphere around here!!!
Content-related arguments !
… hard to find in German online forums :wink:


You are new here. The community here is home to an amazingly diverse amount of experts in a lot of fields. It’s frequently an education just to watch folks who know a hell of a lot more about a topic than i do hash out the finer points. We are also a community of pretty large, quite well educated and knowledgable personalities, as you will learn over time. It’s a very interesting ride!



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