Kickstarter to digitally erase the rat from the end of The Departed

I hope they call it,
The Dep’ed.

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There’s a few Pirates movies that should be Depp’ed…


Somewhat related, this scene at the beggining of the movie spoofs hong kong action thrillers from the time, similar to Internal Affairs which was later remade as the departed.

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BCB is the one Scorsese film I’ve avoided based on critics’ reviews. With critics generally admiring his work, a thumbs-down from them must mean something.

FD: I pretty much don’t give a rat’s ass for critic reviews. More than a few times I’ve found their impressions to greatly differ from mine.

As Hitcock is fond of saying, “that would be DULL.”

My guess it’s an Extras like film about people making a Disney film. Even without knowing the dialog, I’m super happy about this. His other films are amazing.


Oh man, you’re gonna want to avoid looking up fan fiction. You might have an aneurysm.
Actually, you should look it up.


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