Kim Davis isn't doing her job. Again

Then the US and Australia are not welcome to my blood.

Also, interesting that Republic of Ireland is OK but Falkland Islands isn’t. It’s almost as if this ban is entirely arbitrary.

(And to keep this on-topic: Grr! Kim Davis!)

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That particular ban is about an abundance of caution regarding Mad Cow Disease, believe it or not. If you were in the UK and its holdings during the period when they were having trouble with Mad Cow in the beef supply, you’re disqualified just on the off-chance that you might have become infected. The symptoms sometimes don’t show up until decades later, so this is their way of making sure that you don’t inadvertently infect somebody else whilst you’re asymptomatic.

I always thought the three-months-or-more cutoff was a little silly, though, since you could have been there for just a day and eaten an infected hamburger.


Interesting. It seems we don’t test blood donations for CJD in the UK so maybe it’s assumed the benefits outweigh the risks.

Also, if you can contract it by eating beef, what about exports?

Until sometime in 2013 every letter sent to a patient by a company I previously worked for was burned to a CD and placed in a big steel cabinet. 1000 + letters on about 4 discs each day, six days per week.

Edit: Removed info about the person responsible. The asshole might read BoingBoing!


Because that will cost even more… Now she will need to scan all of those print-outs and then save and organize the pdfs tiffs.


I was told when I tried to donate in the US that a brain biopsy is the only way to check for CJD. Most donors don’t want to have that done…

In the UK, you don’t have much choice about accepting it, because the whole population was exposed for years. You couldn’t keep the blood stocks up high enough unless you accept the risk.

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Our Facilities manager still does this…
Even when somebody emails back a “thanks” she will print it out and update the version in her file. (that’s just the tip of the iceberg with her – she’s kind’a special)


Since none of the Republican or Democratic politicians have the keyones to have the Clerk of the County’s Office declared out of Compliance and have it taken over by someone who will go by the law. I am always against violence. This old woman is a showoff and is just out to make money like old stupid Sarah Palin. Maybe they could get Sarah to go down there and run the Courthouse and have another election and throw this ignorant Bum out on her BUM. She talks God and Jesus, but anyone who knows anything about God and the way she was looking and glaring at those persons who were trying to get licences could see evil and hatred and demon possession in her eyes. Or maybe one the female same-sex persons will do the world a favor and give her a good old fashion, Southern “axx-whupping” like she deserves since she has so much education and knows more than the Supreme Court. ACLU, make sure she pays for all that free services that these idiots from Falwell University are giving her. Sending her a 1099 for services rendered for disobeying the law should be at least a million dollars added on to her tax return, putting her in a bracket that she will be paying for a long time and not from gifts or donations either, because she is not a preacher or church.

Why the hell is this woman not in jail already. She to government forms into her office and altered them without the permission of the county legal department which is already a felony!

Not so much as one actual vegetarian or vegan in the entire UK? I’d still be excluded had I been born there, but I haven’t eaten cow since 1983.


Good point, I always forget about those people :wink:

There is this, though…

Do we eat cows? I thought they were for milk…

Church doctrine does not subordinate the religious texts upon which it is all based. The simple fact is the bible condemns homosexuality every single time bar none that it mentions it. You have to do an endless series of logical backflips to even try to reconcile homosexuality to Christianity because every single biblical mention of it condemns it. The condemnations are never reversed and it is never condoned, so based on any logical and rational evaluation, they stand.

That is a position called ‘Fundamentalism’. Most people belonging to most religions do not adhere to that belief.


And your proof that the bible is some inerrant word of some kind that has been handed down exactly as is since they were first written? Or that they meant the same thing a few thousand years ago that they do now? Or that there isn’t endless reinterpretation to better fit with the times or with ideological baggage?

Or how about the fact that there is NOTHING about homosexuality in the new testament, which is the basis for Christianity?


Nobody showed her how to save to a floppy? :wink:


To be fair, that may not be strictly true.

But yeah, copies of copies of translations of copies don’t carry particularly well.


Sometimes it’s what’s in the metadata that is the most interesting.

How does she have time for that??

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There’s concern about it having been present in dairy products too, so only vegans would be exempt…and as someone who lived there as a vegetarian at the time, I can tell you that veganism was basically nonexistent then.