Kim Jong-Un laughing at vegetables


Tired, easy, cheap American jokes about weird Asians and broken Korean English is to Orientalism as American jokes about crazy Hitler’s broken German English is to . . . ?

I think it was meant to be Doge.


Why does he never seem to have both hands visible?


I didn’t really have any thematic goal except to make him sound stupid.

Because anyone in power in that clownshoes regime has to be stupid to operate things like they are.

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i have a feeling i know which person in that group eats all the food.


I was eating humas, I think I shot some out’a my nose laughing so hard!

Even the vastly tolerant and carefully indoctrinated North Koreans might lose patience with their lot if they realized that Brilliant General was never without a half-gnawed turkey leg.

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Did anyone else at first glance think the headline said “Kim Jong un-laughing at vegetables”?
And spent half a second wondering what un-laughing was supposed to mean.

I know, I know, I make no sense.


My guess is that one is on the Dead Man’s Switch.


Kim laughs and the world laughs with him.

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Well, if @paxsimius is correct in assuming that

he just let a huge smelly fart in the fifth photo.

then maybe someone pulled his finger so hard that it popped right off?

You’re on to something. He’s wearing a joy buzzer, which is also the source of the hilarity.

No, but now I want to see an image of Kim Jong-Un boiling an egg.


I’m Asian. I don’t like Kim Jong-Un. You got it right. Apologize to no one.

Dear Leader speaks without speaking
Travels without moving
Laughs soundlessly


Ve have vaze to make you understank!

maybe he saw one of these in the veggie patch?

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