Knoxblox's Art Part 2

My computer is kaput and my previous thread closed after 90 days, so here is Part 2.


Glad to see you!


Thanks! This is just a pop-in because I’m needing to use Sam’s tablet. Once I can fix the laptop, I’ll be back on the regular.


Okay, I got some decent light and retook photos of the other two paintings on their own. Posting these from the restaurant where Sam works. I wish I had a frame to present them in their best state, but that will have to wait until I can buy one.

These three are available. I need some money to pay bills. Make me an offer, but include $20 each for shipping/handling.

I have more stuff to post, possibly Monday. I can’t abuse the access to wifi at Sam’s restaurant.


Good to have you back, and I hope you get your computer/wifi/kitties situations fixed soon!! You’ve been missed!


A couple that I am trying to finish by morning…

And a completed one…

Edit: With my computer still down, I don’t have the i.d. on who wanted the Manzanar monument. Can the proper person reach out, please?


Okay, this feels done.

With my current rates, a square foot panel like this would be $280. The smallest I would do would be $150 for an 8"X8".

I now have a pico projector to transfer images for large paintings, so if any one feels ambitious about something as large as 9 or 10 square feet, I’ll keep it under $1,500 and am even willing to maintain a payment plan if that helps.
I “could” go larger, but that would be a custom panel, most likely from Ampersand art supply in Buda, TX. We’d need to discuss and get a quote from them.

One way for folks to help me extend my reach would be to like, comment and share my Instagram at “lazypossum1”. I’m striving for $5,000-$6,000 in orders within a month or two, so I can work on a solid investment that would cover my monthly budget and allow me to save, freeing me to work on my own art ideas.


Okay, the hibiscus has found a home, but I still need to make $150-200 right away. These two are still available if anyone wants to make an offer (remember $20 for shipping and handling).
By the same token, I could mark you down for a commission.


I met with @subextraordinaire to hand over their painting today during lunch at Landini’s Pizzeria in San Diego’s Little Italy. It was nice to finally put a face to the BoingBoinger. Sorry, but you don’t get to see it. :man_shrugging:t2: Protecting my clients.

More stuff to put in the mail this next week.


It’s absolutely stunning and I knew it would be worth the wait of a couple of years.

In case anyone wants to see the photo I took at Manzanar of the “Soul Consoling Tower” for comparison:

(The painting is even more beautiful IRL!)

Thank you very much, Knoxblox. I hope we get a chance to meet up again.


I just hope that folks are noticing that I am catching up now that I have some better tools to work with. I only have a month or so and my slate will be clean.


Also, I seem to recall telling you to take your time and that I didn’t need the painting to be done immediately. (You could put me in the back of the queue, if needed.) Anyway, it was well worth the wait. :smiley:


I’m not exactly feeling burnt out, but I think come December I will stop doing commissions for a while (maybe a long while) and take some time to think of a coherent idea for a portfolio. I’ve tried finding work outside of friends and acquaintances, but there’s been zero movement of the needle.

Of course, I will finish what I have already and probably accept any last minute requests, but once Thanksgiving arrives that will probably be my cutoff point.

The two beach paintings above are still available, and you can make an offer, but if you’ve been waiting to act the time is now. I’m treading water financially, but I could use a couple of hundred dollars by Monday for my rent and bills if you’d like to buy anything or put down a deposit.

Tired Cat GIF


My dad is turning 89 on Halloween, and he’s feeling very tired from the chemotherapy.

I’m going to apply for a bus driver job with the San Diego MTS and I have extremely good chances, so I will be able to save money for a change, but I need to go see my dad first or I may never get the opportunity again. I had a phone conversation with him the other day, and he’s giving me the impression he’s ready to throw in the towel. I haven’t seen him in person since 2008, and I’m trying to get some money together to take bus, plane, or train from San Diego to Chicago to go see him between the 4th/5th and the 15th. It cannot wait until I have the job because I may not get any vacation time until early 2026. I’d much rather see him alive than go to a funeral.

My two beach paintings above are still available, so if anyone wants them you can shoot me an email at I’m open to the amount, just make sure it includes $20 for shipping and handling.

Okay, I’m out. As the BBS shuts down I’m moving to other pastures. Turn out the lights when you leave.


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