Knoxblox's Art Part 2

My computer is kaput and my previous thread closed after 90 days, so here is Part 2.


Glad to see you!


Thanks! This is just a pop-in because I’m needing to use Sam’s tablet. Once I can fix the laptop, I’ll be back on the regular.


Okay, I got some decent light and retook photos of the other two paintings on their own. Posting these from the restaurant where Sam works. I wish I had a frame to present them in their best state, but that will have to wait until I can buy one.

These three are available. I need some money to pay bills. Make me an offer, but include $20 each for shipping/handling.

I have more stuff to post, possibly Monday. I can’t abuse the access to wifi at Sam’s restaurant.


Good to have you back, and I hope you get your computer/wifi/kitties situations fixed soon!! You’ve been missed!


A couple that I am trying to finish by morning…

And a completed one…

Edit: With my computer still down, I don’t have the i.d. on who wanted the Manzanar monument. Can the proper person reach out, please?


Okay, this feels done.

With my current rates, a square foot panel like this would be $280. The smallest I would do would be $150 for an 8"X8".

I now have a pico projector to transfer images for large paintings, so if any one feels ambitious about something as large as 9 or 10 square feet, I’ll keep it under $1,500 and am even willing to maintain a payment plan if that helps.
I “could” go larger, but that would be a custom panel, most likely from Ampersand art supply in Buda, TX. We’d need to discuss and get a quote from them.

One way for folks to help me extend my reach would be to like, comment and share my Instagram at “lazypossum1”. I’m striving for $5,000-$6,000 in orders within a month or two, so I can work on a solid investment that would cover my monthly budget and allow me to save, freeing me to work on my own art ideas.


Okay, the hibiscus has found a home, but I still need to make $150-200 right away. These two are still available if anyone wants to make an offer (remember $20 for shipping and handling).
By the same token, I could mark you down for a commission.


I met with @subextraordinaire to hand over their painting today during lunch at Landini’s Pizzeria in San Diego’s Little Italy. It was nice to finally put a face to the BoingBoinger. Sorry, but you don’t get to see it. :man_shrugging:t2: Protecting my clients.

More stuff to put in the mail this next week.


It’s absolutely stunning and I knew it would be worth the wait of a couple of years.

In case anyone wants to see the photo I took at Manzanar of the “Soul Consoling Tower” for comparison:

(The painting is even more beautiful IRL!)

Thank you very much, Knoxblox. I hope we get a chance to meet up again.


I just hope that folks are noticing that I am catching up now that I have some better tools to work with. I only have a month or so and my slate will be clean.


Also, I seem to recall telling you to take your time and that I didn’t need the painting to be done immediately. (You could put me in the back of the queue, if needed.) Anyway, it was well worth the wait. :smiley: