Knoxblox's Re-Animated Blank Canvas

Just a heads up, I received one payment yesterday that brought my amount needed down to $430. I am putting the finishing touches on the hibiscus flowers this morning and will post the finished product later.


More infoā€¦Samā€™s bicycle is now repaired. New brake pads, new chain, and fully adjusted. I will be mailing out some more paintings this week, provided I can get through the only pedestrian lane due to closures.


I think itā€™s finished. It feels finished. Iā€™ll just keep an eye on it for a day to make sure I havenā€™t missed anything.

BETTER DETAILS! I recently read an article from a graphic novel inker who mentioned using watercolor brushes with some springiness to them. Iā€™d been told oils will destroy a watercolor brush, but Iā€™ve also read recently that it doesnā€™t happen overnight, so if you can get a few good paintings out of it, it should be worth the sacrifice.
Anyway, my new Windsor & Newton Galeria series works great with details like vines, branches, and clearly deliniated edges. I think it will help me work more quickly.

In the meantime, I am financially spent. I need to pay everything ā€” internet and phone are about to be cut off, I have no kitty litter or food for the cats, and I need to pay rent. Selling this would cover most of that.

OCTOBER SALE: One thing that will be happening next year in California is fast food chain employees will have their minimum wage increased to $20/hr. Understanding that I too deserve a living wage, my prices will mirror that increase in April 2024, $800 per basic 1 square foot painting, 40 hoursā€™ work.

I have the ability to invest some cash to supplement my income, but sadly I donā€™t have the cash. If I could gain 10 commissions during October (no promises for Christmas, Hanukkah, or other gift-giving holidays), Iā€™d have the ability to sustain myself regardless of art sales.

I am offering a 20% discount ā€“ a markdown to $520 until the end of October or 20 commissions are collected, whichever comes first. I can even gift box a voucher to your intended recipient, so they may decide on their own subject matter.



Beautiful work!


Revteamoriginals2019 Abi Bock GIF by Originals

Hey, folks! Remember the hibiscus painting above?

It turns out Iā€™m going to be receiving some help in the form of work tools and other assistance from a longtime friend in the next few days which will help me get everything I currently must finish out the door before Christmas, and stuff I currently need to mail out the door before Halloween. Iā€™ll have a clean slate for a change.

That said, itā€™s going to take a few days for his check to clear, so if I can sell this hibiscus painting at 50% off, it will help me bridge the gap between now and then (you know, kitty litter, mailbox rent, some new brushes and stuff like that).

Thatā€™s only $325!

With a new cellular account from Consumer Cellular, Iā€™ve been able to add Venmo to my current platforms of PayPal and Google Pay, so if thatā€™s your preference Iā€™d like to try it and see if it cooperates for me.

Any interest?


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