Kooky Spooks

Continuing the discussion from Loony Lids is an epidemic:

Can’t let this one go.

Available on ebay where the prices are scary.

http://www.retrothing.com/2007/10/kooky-spooks-in.html - which notes the first appearance (1979) and quick disappearance (1981?), as well as the “H.R. Pufnstuf proportions” and life-saving REFLECTIVE SILVER TAPE (3").

http://www.retroist.com/2011/10/01/kooky-spooks-halloween-costumes/ - which notes one appearing in Once Bitten (1985).


I don’t recall hearing of/seeing these before.

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You know I have a vague recollection of these things as a kid. Dim, very dim.

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