Krautrock pioneers Can's version of "Silent Night"

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I will allow Vince Guaraldi,
Also because totally psychedelic and crazy the Hoodo Gurus.


Here’s a good one. Perfectly captures the uncertain quiet dread that must go along with giving birth in a barn to something not quite human…

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I dunno, I always like it when local lads, the Pre-Raphelites, are in the relegation drop zone around the end of Art season. It adds a bit of zest to the appreciation.

@stinkinbadgers “Congratulations, Mrs; you’ve given birth to a bouncing baby godhead.”

“He has his father’s eyes!”

@kaibeezytentroy You’ve got a diktat? Isn’t that very painful?

@TobinL Ah, the Waitresses “Christmas Wrapping” is my favourite Christmas Song.




to stay on topic.

And like in the fine arts contrast or tension (like between the title and the actual content of a specific piece of arts) is one of the strongest artistical concepts.
/you call that pedantry?!

I’ll have to mention, however, that Silent Night is not the most convincing example of it. OTOH purely electronic sounds -especially on sacral or traditional compositions- was seen as pretty shocking in the early 1970s.

It’s quite nice, but it makes me think of shopping at Target or K-Mart slightly speeded up.


Not really the funniest from Bob’s Christmas album, as it’s within his range and he cleared his throat at least a little before recording.

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The entire Trojan Christmas box set brings sweet relief from Slade, Wizzard and George Michael, guaranteed.

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Please. What is the point in setting them against each other and saying one is better. They don’t even appeal to the same part of the brain (very loosely speaking.) Also, I learned years ago that some stuff that did not appeal to me needed time and repeated listens to appreciate. During that time I don’t embrace any opinion that comes to mind because I know it is defensive and based on my biases. Some music I don’t like immediately because it is just like some other music I already evaluated and don’t need to wait and see. This kind of music I have an opinion of but don’t bother to share it publicly because who the fuck cares what I like or don’t like? No one.



OK, first of all, I said I liked one better, not that one was better. Opinion.

And second, I suppose I’m unclear on what you’d imagine the primary function of a comments section like this if not to express and discuss opinions. If it’s all verifiable facts and such, that’s a wiki, no?

Re Rush specifically and Prog in general, I always think of them as enjoyable in the way sci fi novels and movies are enjoyable. Pick at the science (or in the old days, the character development, repetitive tropes, stereotyping and basic storytelling) and they might fall apart, but give them a chance to tell their story and they can be incredibly enjoyable. And popular. And if you give it a chance, you can find real quality.

Subdivisions made me a Rush fan. Trees made my kid one.

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