
Just so you know, anyone with an Android tablet and the free Crackle app can watch it for free. I laughed when I saw Krull in the movies list, and even more when I read this article. It seems destiny I must watch it again.

Oh, and I made a pretty sloppy-but-decent glaive in metal shop 9… way cooler than my throwing stars.

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The best way I can think of to throw that is a Ultimate-style forehand flick.

Ye gods, make sure you put the protective caps on the ends before putting it in your pocket.

“Crazy invented accents”??

Also Tucker Jenkins.
And this is one of my favourite ever films, and I don’t mean in a ‘so bad it’s good’ way.

You know, if there’s any movie that deserves a remake, it’s this one right here.

I remember it for the following, not necessarily in order: The Glaive, The Beast, the practical effects they used to bring the cyclops to life, Ergo the Magnificent, the cyclops back-story. Was it Truly Bad Theater? You bet your ass. Was it still awesome? Sure. However, I have purposely avoided watching it again because I don’t wish to have my memories tarnished.

Imagine Krull with modern effects! Oh man. I wonder if it’d be as great?

“I remember the first time I saw Krull.”

This is one seriously disturbing sentence. It implies that you did in fact watch that movie more than once.

I saw it in the theaters when I was in college and even wanting to like it was not enough to keep me from feeling embarrassed that I had paid money for that.

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