Just so you know, anyone with an Android tablet and the free Crackle app can watch it for free. I laughed when I saw Krull in the movies list, and even more when I read this article. It seems destiny I must watch it again.
Oh, and I made a pretty sloppy-but-decent glaive in metal shop 9… way cooler than my throwing stars.
You know, if there’s any movie that deserves a remake, it’s this one right here.
I remember it for the following, not necessarily in order: The Glaive, The Beast, the practical effects they used to bring the cyclops to life, Ergo the Magnificent, the cyclops back-story. Was it Truly Bad Theater? You bet your ass. Was it still awesome? Sure. However, I have purposely avoided watching it again because I don’t wish to have my memories tarnished.
This is one seriously disturbing sentence. It implies that you did in fact watch that movie more than once.
I saw it in the theaters when I was in college and even wanting to like it was not enough to keep me from feeling embarrassed that I had paid money for that.