LA peeps: Learn how to paint your own black velvets

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Painting on black velvet?
Elvis or gtfo


Wine beer?

Don’t knock it… and so on…

Aren’t all these black velvet paintings violation of copyright?

Whatever you do, don’t let your mom figure out where you hide your money.

Does that picture of the clown with the neck ruff remind you of some jelly fish from the oceans abysses? We could totally make something like that. It would lurk in the ocean’s void five miles down, and when it sees the lights of some craft, it is programmed to appear, twirl its flashing bow-tie, and then vanish in a cloud of ink before anyone is quite sure what they had seen.


well tonight its beer thanks. and what’s to knock? this is one of those articles no one really needs to read. like sex. you can look at it and make it your screensaver. ok. we know. our parents knew. if wally world sold them MaiqTheLiar would have a couple. maybe a tropical parrot or some knockers (sorry:frowning:( every time I glance your name says TheGreatPenis…lets anal Ize that. wait…oh forget it…

I suddenly want to make one of these. I just realized a Shadow picture would look pretty bad ass, I think, with the black just non reflecting black like that.

Whenever black velvet painting is mentioned I like to make sure that Edgar Leeteg receives a little recognition for his part in things.

This is the 1969 book where I first learned of him:


Now I suddenly want a nautical themed black velvet, preferably with some of those deep sea critters.

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