LA Times bans 38 of its journalists from reporting on Gaza after they sign open letter critical of coverage

Originally published at: LA Times bans 38 of its journalists from reporting on Gaza after they sign open letter critical of coverage - Boing Boing


Even considering how non-liberal the Liberal Media has always been, the media is now much, much more conservative than it’s been in the past.

See also: This great Jude Doyle essay on the hard-right’s conquest of American mass media.


The vast majority of people killed in gaza right now are women and children (not Hamas fighters) because the current Israeli government is looking to ethnically cleanse Gaza (a long-time goal for the Greater Israel crowd), and more than half the population of Gaza WERE NOT ALIVE when Hamas won an election that was a shitty choice, because it was either them or Fatah, and fatah was seen by many as being a complete failure. Not sure how it’s on children for Hamas being in power… I guess the babies are the real criminal elements here…

But sure, these children are the blame for everything. :+1:


Palestine has already, literally been wiped off the map and mainstream politicians and openly talking of mass ethnic cleansing to finish the job. They are also destroying Gaza as well as killing civilians, collective punishment, and the mass roundup of Palestinian hostages.

As always with the right wing any horrible they accuse others of is something they are already doing.

But you get sacked from major companies for saying any part of the above. All of it is true.


Meanwhile, management reacts:


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