And I think that gets at the why’s of it. The farmer block in a lot of states was directly connected to the labor movement. Especially when you get into the dust bowl and the depression. Union wars/raids and all that.
was listed separately, like a lifetime achievement award
Senator Warren Magnuson (D-WA, in office 1944-1981)is said to have said, “Give a farmer two nickels to rub together and he turns into a Republican.”
I forgot about Moon Pope! Drats. muttering, “Undone by lunar clergy.”
And look at that he served straight through the prime period for the DNC offloading its right wing.
And the guy’s name was Cardinale… Who, according the the bingo chart, did pay his taxes.
(Not going anywhere with this, just pointing out the weirdness.)
You know when Internet Venom Slugs talk about “owning the libs”? This is what they mean by that.
When the President of the United States says something like “snitches get stitches”, the headline is NOT that we’re finally having the serious conversation about plea-bargain abuses you always wanted. Republicans have not suddenly become woke to your cause. They are counting on you to legitimise the President talking like a mobster, in order to get back to systematically ignoring this and every other ethical concern. SO DON’T
Only stupid bullies fail to be loyal to their minions. Demanding loyalty without giving it doesn’t work.
And substantially “plea deals = bad” is an incredibly over simplified take on the subject. Yes the processes has been abused to do some significant harm. But so have things like juries, eye witness testimony, the discovery process, and so on. Trump’s “flipping aughta be illegal!” position bears no resemblance to anything anyone is actually calling for in terms of reform. Cohen’s case and plea bears no resemblance to examples of abuse.
Do you have a citation for this? Because I’m originally from Central California and I know many agricultural/farming families who have voted Republican since Tricky Dick. If this is true, I have some new-found respect for the group.
According to my left-wing mother, who last held a nonpartisan elected position in 2010, Republican voters generally haven’t crossed party lines in Fresno, Kern, Tulare counties in decades. I can’t even imagine the farming families that I know, or any Republican voters from these areas, voting for Obama.
Not off the top of my head, and it may not have been all cali farmers. Cali farmers in certain key areas. But like I said its a demographic thats pretty close to split to begin with. In those situations it doesnt take many people switching to flip the block. Those people who switched in areas that mattered or specific demographics ammount to just a few hundred thousand votes. So “I know conservative farmers” isnt really at odds with it at all. Of course you do. And substantially the voters in question werent, or havent traditionally been Republicans. Its not like Obama won them over and they went back due to Trump. Were people who regularly voted DNC, but drifted piecemeal away from that affiliation.
The wapo article has a spot on quote:
Blockquote Liberals are conservatives who have been arrested.
Before an entanglement in the criminal justice system I would have called myself a law and order proponent. But seeing how there is precious little law nor order involved in the criminal justice system flipped me to a liberal on crime. I plead guilty to a crime that I was legally not responsible for just to avoid the cost of fighting it. It ought to be illegal.
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