"Le Balayeur" is a great cartoon that aired on MTV's Liquid Televison in the 90s

Originally published at: "Le Balayeur" is a great cartoon that aired on MTV's Liquid Televison in the 90s | Boing Boing


I watched on silent, and played Nirvana at ear bleeding level for authenticity.


What I don’t understand is why Liquid Television (and AMP) seem not to be available, as far as I know, as a complete set out there on the InterNetz (or otherwise). So many other shows got DVD/Bluray releases; you’d think whoever owns the IP to both of these shows would release them all…

A lot of the short film showcased on Liquid Television weren’t actually produced by or specifically for MTV so they may not have had home video distribution rights. I remember seeing this one on the Spike & Mike festival circuit.

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