Learn about Arduino with Tinkercad's Arduino simulator

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/05/17/learn-about-arduino-with-tinke.html

The graphic cad tool was ok. I am looking for a way to connect my program to the cad drawing. Did not see how to do it. My guess it’s not available. One very small step. Thanks but no thanks

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There is a program or code button at the top right dont have it with me to see which of the two its called. Its super easy.

From the main page: “Program Arduinos directly in the editor using visual code blocks or text.”

I played with this a few weeks ago, and was super impressed. I believe you also can buy PCB prints from this as well.

My only problem was that they didn’t have many components to play with in addition to the Arduino boards. I wanted to lab some code for a temperature sensor rig with DS18B220 temp sensors, but they didn’t have them. I kind of thought that was the standard for digital temp sensors, but they only have a TMP36 analog sensor. It would be nice to be able to make these components myself if needed. I think this was possible with the previous iteration of this site.

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