Leaving kids in front of screens unsupervised for hours may have unpleasant consequences, parents learn

  1. No, I have not written for Garrison Keillor. I have, however, listened to any number of his shows (many of them when I was young, before he became famous). I can see where my “two spices” anecdote is Keilloresque.

  2. Workshopping very short stories? Let’s talk privately, I will send you a message.


All… except for those of us who are the descendants of either naturally indigenous people or those who were forced to come here against their will as chattel slaves.

Just sayin’.

Fact: I adore Yoko Ono and her ethics, but hate her music.

At the same time, John Lennon was a grown ass man; fully capable of making his own decisions… as were Paul Mac, George and Ringo.

Ono didn’t force anyone to do anything against their will, and had she not been in the picture at all, the Beatles would have likely still broken up.


Well, he was an ass, anyway.

Better songwriter than Paul, though.


Debatable: I never knew the guy, so I can’t speak on it with any authority.

Not nearly as debatable; especially if you compare the likes of Imagine to the likes of Band on the Run.


I love her art. Best thing anyone associated with the Beatles has done post-breakup.

Her music… hard pass.



The ‘lighthouse’ in Iceland?



Hell yeah. Even some of her earlier stuff working in glass and air and stuff. Proper talent. Like, I really get the impression she’s trying to explore meanings and push back even now. Not someone who’s settled down to do the same old same-old for the last umpteen years*.

*Yes, you Kapoor. derivative protectionist bastard that you are.


Geek culture has always had guys like JonTron spouting their idiocy and resentments into the world. It’s just that they were limited to zines with runs of a dozen or less. The internet has made it possible for them to find each other and we’re starting to find out how deep the brain rot is in geek culture.

I’m starting to think that maybe my elementary school bullies had the right idea.

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It really isn’t; they spend more time scandalized and outraged than anyone else. It’s almost, dare I say, the defining shibboleth of the movement’s vestigial but irreducible conservatism.

I think I know the punks to whom you refer, though. They might briefly have been involved in gamergate, for example, but quickly got off the bus when they realized where it was headed.


Here here. Speaking as someone that’s a huge fan of the Beatles, I can definitely agree that Yoko didn’t break up the Beatles, the Beatles did that well enough on their own.

For as much as I loved John Lennon and his work, I also am keenly aware that he’s pretty well regarded as an insufferable jackass and all around terrible person.

And yeah, Yoko is pretty great. She’d fit right in here. While I’m not a fan of much of her music either (at least the avant garde stuff which is too out there – even for me), I give her mad props for putting herself out there like that.


Oh, punks are still people. Everyone’s offended over something. Indeed, the emotional tenor of the ‘sold out’ accusation that’s thrown around a lot in (once-) avant-garde music/art is that of aggrieved, scandalized, offense.

Interesting. Who is on the bus, then?


I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone, but yeah, there’s a few that could have done with a “Dude, no. Just… no.” followed by a smack on the back of the head at the point when they were just starting to think that racism was a sensible idea.


…because, of course, one will never find racist among any other subculture…? The hell? Or are geeks just that fun to hate?

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Mm. I see your point. Perhaps.

Don’t deflect. It’s a long standing problem.

Edit: If it helps, the deep-seated misogyny of geek culture far exceeds the racism. Low fucking bar…


[citation needed]

I hear it said, I hear it said a lot, but I see not a shred of proof. I think it’s basic halo effect. Geeks are low-status, by definition, and so what misogyny exists is seen as more salient. It’s the same effect that leads to endless discussion of the earnings gap in Silicon Valley (magnitude: medium), and comparatively hardly any discussion of the earnings gap in Hollywood (magnitude: ridiculous). One’s perpetrated by neckbeards and the other by handsome, professionally charming people.


[citation needed]

[smiling politely]


Do I understand you correctly that you imply 14th century cookbooks would be an indication of how diverse le cuisine was back then, and an economic impoverishment driven by a series of 10+ privatisation laws (which you are referring to in singular and which to the best of Wikipedia’s knowledge started to come into effect in the 18th century) changed that?

Dear friend, I would gladly fry some red herring with you, if I could be bothered. Please take my advise with a grain of salt, but you could spice up your post by peppering it with some of those recipes including a 14th century shopping list with sources and prices. But please include the services of scribe to read it out to the villeins and natives of BBS. :smile: